Welcome to ENGR 1330

This is a JupyterBook that is comprised of notes used by Dr. Cleveland in his sections. Other instructors may use different content, so be sure to use the content specific to your section.

Suggested Citation

Theodore G. Cleveland, Farhang Forghanparast (2021), Computational Thinking and Data Science: Instructor’s Notes for ENGR 1330 at TTU, with contributions by: Dinesh Sundaravadivelu Devarajan, Turgut Batuhan Baturalp (Batu), Tanja Karp, Long Nguyen, and Mona Rizvi. Whitacre College of Engineering, DOI (pending)


The most recent syllabus for ENGR-1330 is located at http:/


The information below is of use to other potential institutional users of this book.

GitHub Repository This entire course (book, labs, and exercises) is contained in a public repository on GitHub https://github.com/dustykat/engr-1330-webroot

How to Use

  1. Clone the entire repository to /var/www/html/engr-1330-webroot. Have your main index point to this directory i.e. http://your-fqdn-server.org/engr-1330-webroot/ You can see working example at http:/

  2. If you plan to modify things, many of the internal links expect IP/hostname ==, so you will have to change these addresses to your server. The string editor sed will become your friend!

  • Materials herein come from many sources, in particular many from the Data8 repository from UC Berkeley (and from the Data8 Textbook, and many internet sources. Sources in notebooks are at least cited by a URL. As the content is matured, proper citations are to be inserted.

  • The 3-Readings directory contains copyrighted materials and should be exposed with care on a web server; generally because no one reads anymore, its probably safe enough to protect using an .htaccess approach. In my courses we access things through the syllabus links, and the syllabus is accessed through our LMS (Blackboard)