
These are the instructor course notes (from which lecture and discussion items are derived).

The environment itself is a Jupyter{Book} (an interactive on-line notebook, although the interactive part is not working on my server(s) yet).


Many (but not all) underlined/bold items are working hyperlinks to the resource. Some take you to paywalls, others to the actual item. You should follow these hyperlinks as you examine these notes.


The syllabus is located at ce-4363-2023-1-syllabus.

Other resources

Other resources are located in the various parts of the course server; hence the admonition to follow hyperlinks.

Code Blocks

Many examples are presented either in \(\textbf{R}\) or \(\textbf{iPython}\) and will appear as “verbatim code” like:

e = mc^2

Or as functional code blocks. In either case you can cut-and-paste onto your computer (assuming it is configured correctly) and run the examples at your leisure.

Suggested Citation

Theodore G. Cleveland (2022), Groundwater Hydrology: Instructor’s Notes for CE 4363/5363 at TTU. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Whitacre College of Engineering, Texas Tech University