Extract from NBI Database a specific state recordΒΆ

! pwd

Actual code below; all intentionally suppressed for JupyterBook build to prevent attempted script run on missing files.

# Read bridge database line-by-line, extract state code 48, write result to a subset
# Connect to the file
externalfile = open(local_file_name,'r') # create connection to file, set to read (r), file must exist
records = [] # empty list to store the lines of the file
linesread = 0 # counter for lines read
howmanytoread = 800_000 # max number to read

for i in range(howmanytoread):
    linenow = externalfile.readline()# read a line 
# test for EOF
    if not linenow: # if line is empty
        print("End Of File detected")
        break # end of file is reached, break out of the loop
    records.append(linenow.rstrip().split(",")) # parse the line and insert into records
    linesread = linesread + 1
# records contains all the lines
#render as dataframe
import pandas as pd
alldata = pd.DataFrame(records)
alldata.rename(columns=alldata.iloc[0], inplace = True)
# verify structure
# select state code; Texas is 48
texasdata = alldata.loc[alldata['STATE_CODE_001']=='48']
# verify selection
# now write the reduced set to a file 
texasdata.to_csv("2021TexasNBIData.csv", index = False)