8. Hydrographs

A hydrograph is a plot (or paired time-discharge values) of discharge versus time for a location (on a stream).

An idealized hydrograph has

  • Rise portion

  • Peak portion

  • Recession portion

  • Inflection point The hydrograph pictured also has a baseflow component

  • Flow in absence of a storm

Direct Runoff Hydrograph

Baseflow Component


Listed below are spreadsheets that implement simple UH examples. They are Excel (circa 2009) spreadsheets, that work in current Excel, LibreOffice, and Numbers environments

  1. ExampleUH_BackSub1.xls

  2. ExampleUH_BackSub2.xls

  3. ExampleUH_LeastSquares.xls

  4. ExampleUH_TransferFn.xls

  5. ExtendedBase_DifferentStorm.xls

  6. ExtendedBase.xls