
This JupyterBook is my instructor notes.

Surface water hydrology is explores theory and application of hydrologic concepts as they apply to surface water and the built environment. The scale ranges from tiny (parking space) to huge (Colorado River Basin); the goals similar - reduce damage from innundation(flooding), quantify contaminantion, and collect sufficient supply to serve human needs or, frequently, all three. Students learn how to use predictive tools such as charts and computer programs, and apply these tools to the analysis and design of collection and drainage systems.

Course Syllabus

The course syllabus follows this preface section


The following books are used as textbooks, supplimented extensively by readings from various sources linked in these notes or on Blackboard

  1. Brutsaert, W., 2005, Hydrology: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press

  2. Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., Mays, L.W., 1988, Applied Hydrology. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Suggested Citation

The suggested citation for these notes is

Theodore G. Cleveland (2024), Surface Water Hydrology: Instructor’s Notes for CE 5361 at TTU. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Whitacre College of Engineering, Texas Tech University