Mass Flow Meter & Datalogger Scripts#

General Technology#

Mass flow meters are widely used instruments in fluid mechanics and engineering applications to measure the mass or volume flow rate of a fluid. The fundamental working principle involves a low-inertia turbine placed in the fluid flow path. As the fluid passes through the turbine, it rotates at a speed proportional to the flow rate.

Key Components and Operation#

  1. Turbine with Magnetic Ring: The turbine has a magnetic ring attached to it, with one or more interruptions (gaps) in the magnetic field.

  2. Hall Effect Sensor: A sensor positioned near the turbine detects the changes in the magnetic field as the turbine rotates.

  3. Pulse Counting: The sensor generates a series of electrical pulses, where the frequency of the pulses corresponds to the rotational speed of the turbine.

  4. Meter Constant (K-Factor): The turbine and sensor assembly has a meter constant (K-factor), defined as the number of pulses generated per unit of flow. This constant is used to convert the pulse frequency into a mass or volume flow rate.

The output is then processed by a microcontroller or data acquisition system to display the flow rate in appropriate units.


  • Accuracy: Low-inertia turbines minimize lag, allowing precise measurement even at low flow rates.

  • Compact and Scalable: Mass flow meters are available in a wide range of sizes and capacities, suitable for different applications.

  • Digital Output: The pulse-based output is easy to integrate with modern control systems and data loggers.

Common Engineering Applications#

Mass flow meters are versatile and widely used across industries. Some common applications include:

1. Water and Wastewater Treatment#

  • Monitoring the flow of water, effluent, and chemicals in treatment plants.

  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory discharge limits.

2. Oil and Gas Industry#

  • Measuring fuel flow rates in pipelines.

  • Monitoring the consumption of lubricants and other fluids in mechanical systems.

3. HVAC Systems#

  • Ensuring accurate flow rates of chilled water, refrigerants, and steam in heating and cooling systems.

  • Optimizing energy efficiency by monitoring flow conditions.

4. Food and Beverage Industry#

  • Measuring the flow of liquids like milk, juice, and syrup in processing plants.

  • Monitoring the flow of cleaning agents during sterilization processes.

5. Automotive and Aerospace Engineering#

  • Fuel consumption testing for engines and turbines.

  • Flow monitoring in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

6. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Manufacturing#

  • Precise dosing of chemicals in production lines.

  • Monitoring the flow of solvents and active ingredients in formulation processes.


Mass flow meters offer a reliable and precise solution for measuring fluid flow rates across a broad spectrum of engineering applications. Their ability to provide near real-time digital data and integrate seamlessly with automation systems makes them indispensable in modern industrial processes.

Lab Setup: Raspberry Pi Zero W as Datalogger and Controller#

In this lab, we will use a Raspberry Pi Zero W as the datalogger and controller, paired with an inexpensive turbine-type mass flow meter. The Raspberry Pi Zero W is preconfigured as a WiFi host to simplify connectivity and data acquisition.

Steps to Access the Datalogger#

  1. Connect to the Raspberry Pi’s WiFi:

    • Locate the SSID provided in class and connect your device to it.

    • No internet access is required, as this connection is solely for interfacing with the Raspberry Pi.

  2. Access the Raspberry Pi:

    • Use an SSH client to connect to the Raspberry Pi’s IP address (provided in class).

    • Once connected via SSH, start the VNC server using the command:

  3. Open the VNC Desktop:

    • Use a VNC client to connect to the Raspberry Pi’s desktop environment.

    • This provides full access to the Raspberry Pi’s graphical interface.

  4. Run the Mass Flow Meter Program:

    • Locate the program file (/path/filename, as provided in class) on the Raspberry Pi.

    • Start the program using a terminal command:

      python3 /path/filename
    • When prompted, supply:

      • Meter Constant (K-Factor): Provided with the mass flow meter.

      • Desired Time Interval: The time in seconds for each reading.

Input Validation#

The program is designed with robust input validation using Python’s try-except blocks to handle invalid or pathological entries, ensuring smooth operation and accurate data logging.

With this setup, the Raspberry Pi Zero W enables efficient and flexible data acquisition from the turbine-type mass flow meter, offering a hands-on experience with both modern IoT technology and traditional fluid mechanics instrumentation.


The Raspberry Pi Zero W hosts a short-range WiFi network:

  • SSID (network name): ceceFluids

  • Passkey (PSK): OneNekoKat

  • WAP/Router:

The Raspberry Pi Zero W also controls the sensor and records data:

  • IP address:

  • Hostname: pi-lab-1 (connect using IP, DNS is inactive)

  • UID (user): pi

  • PWD (passsword): fluidlab

Python Scripts for Flow Measurement Lab#


Below are Python scripts provided to document the workflow and enhance the understanding of the lab. These scripts are designed for data logging, processing, and visualization.

Script 1: Datalogger Initialization#

This script establishes communication between the Raspberry Pi and the turbine flow meter. It allows users to input key parameters, such as:

  • Meter Constant (K-Factor): Provided with the flow meter.

  • Sampling Interval: The time between successive measurements.


The 2019 script was refactored and reviewed with guidance from OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Enhancements included modularization, input validation, time-setting functionality, and general improvements for maintainability and usability. Date of assistance: January 2025.

Once running, the script writes flow rate data to the console.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Flow Meter Recorder
# T.G. Cleveland 2019. 
# Refactored and reviewed with guidance from OpenAI's ChatGPT. 
# Enhancements included modularization, input validation, time-setting functionality, output file handling, and general improvements for maintainability and usability. Date of assistance: January 2025.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess

# Initialize GPIO
def setup_gpio(pin):
    GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
    return pin

# Count pulses
def count_pulse(channel):
    global count
    if start_counter == 1:
        count += 1

# Get validated user input
def get_user_input(prompt, default, value_type, validation=None):
    while True:
            user_input = input(f"{prompt} (default: {default}): ").strip()
            if not user_input:
                return default
            value = value_type(user_input)
            if validation and not validation(value):
                raise ValueError(f"Input does not meet validation criteria.")
            return value
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            print(f"Invalid input. Using default value of {default}.")
            return default

# Set system time
def set_system_time():
        new_time = input("Enter new system time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or press Enter to skip: ").strip()
        if new_time:
  ["sudo", "date", "-s", new_time], check=True)
            print(f"System time updated to: {new_time}")
            print("System time unchanged.")
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        print("Failed to update system time. Ensure the script runs with sufficient privileges.")

# Write to console and file
def log(message):
    output_file.write(message + '\n')

# Main Program
print("FlowMeterRecord running")

# User Inputs
output_file_name = input("Enter output file name (default: flowmeter.junk.txt): ").strip() or "flowmeter.junk.txt"
    output_file = open(output_file_name, 'w')
    log(f"Output will be saved to {output_file_name}")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error opening file: {e}")

stationID = get_user_input("Enter Comment Line 1", "Line 001", str)
sensorID = get_user_input("Enter Comment Line 2", "Line 002", str)
howmany2wait = get_user_input("Enter dwell time", 1.0, float, lambda x: x > 0)
howmany2read = get_user_input("How many intervals", 60, int, lambda x: x >= 2)
meterconstant = get_user_input("Enter the meter constant", 1.0, float, lambda x: x > 0)

# Optional: Set system time

# GPIO Setup
flow_sensor_one = setup_gpio(23)
GPIO.add_event_detect(flow_sensor_one, GPIO.FALLING, callback=count_pulse)

# Initialize counters
count = accCount = howmanyRread = 0

# Print headers
log("# Flowmeter Recording System")
log(f"# {stationID}")
log(f"# {sensorID}")
log(f"# Sampling Interval Duration (seconds): {howmany2wait}")
log(f"# Sampling Interval Count: {howmany2read}")
log("# DateTime, Events, Volume")

# Main loop
    while howmanyRread < howmany2read:
        howmanyRread += 1
        start_counter = 1
        start_counter = 0

        flow = count * meterconstant
        now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if howmany2wait < 1.0 else time.strftime("%c")

        log(f"{now}, {count}, {flow}")
        accCount += count
        count = 0

    log("\nNormal Loop Exit, exiting...")
    log(f"Total Events: {accCount}")
    log(f"Total Volume: {accCount * meterconstant}")

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    log("\nCaught keyboard interrupt, exiting...")
    log(f"Total Events: {accCount}")
    log(f"Total Volume: {accCount * meterconstant}")
    log("Script execution completed. Closing file.")

End of Section#