Workshop #3

Report Format

  • Started

  1. Executive Summary (0-percent)

  2. Introduction

  • 50-percent complete, pending slacker terminations

  1. Purpose

  • 90-percent complete

  • Watershed Description

  • 50-percent complete

  1. Delineation (95-percent)

  • 95-pecent

  1. Soil Properties (90-percent)

  • Pretty much done

  1. Crossing Description (99-percent)

  • Existsing

  • Proposed (4-bbl 6X6 box culvert system)

  1. Hydrology (50-percent)

  • Design Risk Level

  • 4%-Design

  • Needs to convey without innundating road

  • 1%-Czech Flood

  • To see where the innundation level is and who is gonna sue us

  • Design Storms

  • NOAA Atlas 14 (24 hr, 6 hr)

  • Hyetyograph by …..

  1. Computer Model HEC-HMS (50-percent)

  • Catchments (3)

  • Reaches (3, Lag, or Muskingum-Cunge) , Junction (1), Reservoirs (3, Depth-Something ….), Sink (Kitchen)

  • Loss (3, one per catchment), Transform (3, one per catchment)

  • Precipitation Gages (2)

  • 1-Existing,2-Proposed (Downstream Reservoir - something)

  1. Results (10-percent)

  2. Interpretation, Recomendation ,Conclusions

  3. References

  4. Exhibits

Data Tables

Presentation (10 minutes)

  1. Introductions

  2. Outline

  3. Problem Statement

  4. Current Condtions

  • Delineation for model

  • Soil Properties

  • Depth-Something …

  • Why Reservoirs

  1. Proposed Conditions

  2. Design Hydrology

  • Risk Level

  • Storms

  • Rainfall-Runoff (CN)

  1. HEC-HMS

  • Layout

  • Results (before, after) (risk levels == design, check flood)

  1. Interpret Results

  2. Conclusions and Recomendations

  3. Questions?