Engineering Hydrology

Engineering hydrology is dedicated to theory and application of hydrologic concepts as they apply to the built environment. The scale ranges from tiny (parking space) to huge (Colorado River Basin); the goals similar - reduce damage from innundation(flooding), collect sufficient supply to serve human needs or, frequently, both. Students will learn how to use predictive tools such as charts and computer programs, and apply these tools to the analysis and design of collection and drainage systems. Preparation of a professional report is a component of this course.

Instructor Notes

This JupyterBook are my instructor notes. There is a formal textbook listed below that should suffucice when combined with the numerous supplimental readings.


Gupta, R.S., 2017. Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems, Waveland Press, ISBN 10: 1-4786-3091-4; ISBN 13: 978-1-4786-3091-3, 888p.
Waveland Press - purchase
Amazon - purchase or rent

Supplimental Readings are stored on the class server. Many are linked below in the schedule; However if you browse, you will need to open the target files to see the topic.