23.1 Groundwater Hydrology - II#
Head and Gradients#
Determine gradient (magnitude and direction) from 3-wells
The mechanisms of storage are:
draining and filling of the pore space
compression/decompression of the water, and
compression/decompression of the solids
Estimating storage from mapped water levels
Equation(s) of Motion#
Darcy’s Law and permeability
Measuring hydraulic conductivity
Go through slides 16-40 below:
Find gradient from 3 wells Model1_Gradient.xls
Find gradient from 3 wells Model1_Gradient.xlsx (xml extensions)
Constant Head Permeameter Model2_CHPerm.xlsx (xml extensions)
Falling Head Permeameter Model3_FHPerm.xls
Falling Head Permeameter Model3_FHPerm.xlsx (xml extensions)
Gupta pp. 133-151