The liquid pressure in the screen of a piezometer in a saline aquifer is $7.688 \times 10^{5} N/m^2$. The liquid density is 1055 kg/m$^3$ and the temperature is 14$^o$C. The elevation of the piezometer is 45.9 m above MSL.
An aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 12 ft/day and an effective porosity of 0.17 and is under a hydraulic gradient of 0.0055. The water temperature is 14$^o$C and the mean pore diameter is 0.33 mm.
A confined aquifer is 18 m thick. The potentiometric surface drops 1.99 m between two wells that are 823 m apart. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is 4.35 m/day
In the figure below (Fig. 4.19) the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is 14.5 m/day. The value of $h_1$ is 17.6 m, and the value of $h_2$ is 15.3 m. The distance from $h_1$ to $h_2$ is 525 m. There is an average recharge rate of 0.007 m/day.
Three monitoring wells exist in an aquifer as shown below. North is upward (toward the top of the page). The land surface elevations and depths to water are shown below.