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CE 3305 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Spring 2023 Exercise Set 1



Purpose :

Apply definition of density. Apply the ideal gas law under isothermal conditions. Use compressibility to relate pressure change to volume change.

Assessment Criteria :

Completion, results plausible, format correct, calculations (Jupyter Notebook) are shown.

Problem 1 (Problem 1-5 p. 32):

The tank contains a liquid with density of 1.22 $\frac{slug}{ft^3}$.


  1. Weight (in pounds) of liquid when it is at level shown.

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  • Use above drawing; key is to note the 1-foot "freeboard" in the tank to obtain fluid bulk dimension

list known quantities

  • liquid bulk dimension: 4 ft X 2 ft X (3-1)ft cubic feet
  • liquid density : 1.22 $\frac{slug}{ft^3}$

list unknown quantities

  • liquid weight (W=mg)

governing principles

  • W = mg
  • m = $\rho \times \text{volume}$
  • volume = L $\times$ W $\times$ H

solution (step-by-step)

In [6]:
length = 4 #ft
width = 2 #ft
height = 3-1 #ft
volume = length*width*height
rho_l = 1.22 #slug/ft^3
mass = rho_l * volume
gravity = 32.2 #ft/s^2
weight = mass * gravity
print("Weight of : ",round(float(volume),0)," ft^3 of liquid is : ",round(weight,0)," pounds-force")
Weight of :  16.0  ft^3 of liquid is :  629.0  pounds-force


  • Direct application of definition of mass density and weight as a force.

Problem 2 (Problem 1-7 pg. 32):

The tank has a volume of 0.35$m^3$ and contains 40 kg of nitrogen at a temperature of 40$^oC$.


  1. Absolute pressure (in kPa) in the tank.

sketch here

  • Use above sketch; tank dimensions not supplied, but T&V and mass are

list known quantities

  • Temperature: 40 $^o$C
  • Gas Volume: 0.35 $m^3$
  • Gas Mass: 40 kg N$_2$ Need to be aware Nitrogen is diatomic in gas phase, so will adjust for 2-atom MW

list unknown quantities

  • Pressure

governing principles

  • Ideal gas law $pV = \frac{m}{MW} RT$
  • MW Nitrogen is 14 g/mol, but diatomic gas will have 2 N atoms per mol.
  • Ideal gas constant is 0.0821 L$\cdot$atm/K$\cdot$mol

solution (step-by-step)

In [20]:
R = 0.0821 #l-atm/K-mol
m = 40*1000 #grams - given
MW = 14*2 #grams/mol - diatomic gas
V = 0.35*1000 #liters
T = 40+273 #Kelvin
p = ((m/MW)*R*T)/V
print("Pressure in tank :",round(p,2)," atmospheres")
p = p*101.325
print("Pressure in tank :",round(p,2)," kiloPascals")
Pressure in tank : 104.89  atmospheres
Pressure in tank : 10627.67  kiloPascals


  • Direct application of pvnrt-bong theory; convert atmospheres to kPa; note unusual (for engineering) units.

Problem 3 (Problem 1-18 pg. 33):

A solid has a specific weight of 310 lb/ft$^3$. When a pressure of 650 psi is applied the specific weight increases to 312 lb/ft$^3$.


  1. Bulk modulus (of elasticity)

sketch here

Mass is constant, volume smaller as pressure bigger.

list known quantities

  • $\Delta p $ = 650 psi
  • $\gamma_1 $ = 310 lb/ft$^3$
  • $\gamma_2 $ = 312 lb/ft$^3$

list unknown quantities

  • $E_V$ bulk modulus of compressibility (eq. 1-11 in textbook)

governing principles

  • $\gamma = \frac{W}{V}$
  • $E_V = \frac{\Delta p}{-\frac{\Delta V}{V}}$
  • $\frac{\Delta V}{V}=\frac{\frac{1}{\gamma_2} - \frac{1}{\gamma_1}}{\frac{1}{\gamma_1}}$

solution (step-by-step)

In [19]:
gamma1 = 310 #lb/ft^3
gamma2 = 312 #lb/ft^3
dpress = 650 #lb/in^2
dp = dpress*144 #lb/ft^2
dVoverV = ((1/gamma2)-(1/gamma1))/(1/gamma1)
bulkmodulus = -dp/dVoverV
print("Bulk Modulus : ",round(bulkmodulus,3)," lbf/ft^2 ")
print("Bulk Modulus : ",round(bulkmodulus/144,3)," psi ")
Bulk Modulus :  14601600.0  lbf/ft^2 
Bulk Modulus :  101400.0  psi 


  • Apply algebra, and find formula for the changing volume in terms of original volume.
  • A harder way would be to compute initial mass from sp. weight, then compute needed volume change to make initial mass have supplied sp. weight; easier to do the algebra.
In [ ]: