EPANET2 On-Line Authentication Page

Welcome to EPANET On-Line Toolkit

Today is March 09, 2025

This page is the EPANET2 On-Line File Upload Authentication Page.


This page is an authentication page for EPANET2 Input file uploads.

You have reached this page because you wish to upload a new or overwrite an existing EPANET2 project file.

If you are not intending to upload, then use the back button on your browser or take an escape route (below).

Escape Routes:

Server Home Page

Authentication :

Enter your username and password (which you should have received already) below. Upon sucessful authentication, you will be taken to the uploader page. If authentication fails, you should get a rejection message. If rejected, clear the from and try again (if it rejects several times, you may have a spelling error, or incorrect credentials). The authentication is CASE-SENSITIVE.

Enter your username:

Enter your password:

Server Notes:

Need a video to demonstrate Authentication

Programmer Notes.
Update 2019-0306 TGC
Update 2016-0214 TGC
Update 2009-0918 TGC
Build Date: 2009-0215 TGC