Generates a simple contour map from a file of space delimited XYZ data.
The methodology used is inverse distance weighting, with a smoothing parameter.
The model returns an image (raster) with a contour map overlay (as a JPG)
User supplies a file of XYZ data, and sets some gridding parameters.
The exponent is a value used in an inverse distance weighting,make it
large (~20) and algorithm approximates a nearest neighbor; make it small (~0.5)
and the map is smoothed a lot. The exponent must be larger than zero.
The smoothing parameter impacts the search distance -- larger values make
the map approach a mean value for all the supplied data. Smaller values keep
more weights on local values during gridding. 0 is an acceptable smoothing value.
Step 1: Generate an XYZ file, space (tab) delimited, on your computer.
Put it somewhere you can easily find the file for the upload step.
Step 2: Upload the XYZ file (Skip this step if the file is already uploaded)
Step 3: Supply Gridding and Mapping Parameters Below