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NewANTS is a collection of analytical (and some semi-analytical) solutions to various forms of the advection-dispersion equation in different geometries.

The intended audience for NewANTS are students and researchers who may desire quick analytical solutions to transport cases -- mostly to check their own codes. Practicing engineers and other professionals are also free to use NewANTS, with the understandng that the results are not warranteed for fitness for any other use than teaching, and should check the results against other solutions.

NewANTS is the ressurection of the Analytical Numerical Transport modeling System (ANTS) developed in 1998 by a team at the University of Houston. NewANTS is an ongoing effort to replicate and extend the original work. The original work was written in Java; graphical elements at the time were a challenge; many of those challenges are removed because of incorporation of the graphical elements directly into the HTML5, CSS, JavaScript standards. The original source codes were lost during a routine system backup (both the source and target drives were damaged) which was the motivation for rebuilding in R.

NewANTS uses HTML5, CSS, and python scripts to send computational requests to R scripts (hence the computation engines are in R, the interface(s) are HTML and python). This hybrid approach keeps the computation engines easier to maintain, and allows the interfacing to evolve with time.

Most of the working solutions produce a value C(x,t) for the supplied x-y location as well as a plot (profile or history) and the tabulation that is actually plotted. The tabulation should be able to cut-and-paste into a spreadsheet or other plotting tool for users who wish to construct their own plots to take advantage of color or other features they need for their particular application.

The tab layout (top navigation bar) is comprised of several tabs.

The Definitions tab will take you to a short explaination of important terms used in NewANTS, in particular the concept of a concentration profile, and a concentration history.

The NewANTS Collection is the current collection of completed solutions. Both profile and history solutions are available.

The NewANTS User Manual is a living document where use examples are maintained, as well as notes on how to maintain the software collection on the web-server. The user manual also contains the R scripts that are the underlying computation engine. R packages are avoided, and the scripts should work fine with just the R base install.

Suggested Citation: Cleveland, T.G., Neale, C.M., 2017. "NewANTS: A Collection of Analytical Contaminant Transport Models" Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech University. (http://theodores-pro.ttu.edu/mytoolbox-server/NewANTS/ Last Accesed YYYY-MMDD)