The tabs
The Icons
Use triple "" before and after a word (without spacing) to make the word bold and italic
B&I: **string***
or ** before and after a word (without spacing) to make the word bold
Bold: string__ or string
_ or before and after a word (without spacing to make the word italic
Italic: string or string*
Double ~ before and after a word (without spacing to make the word scratched
Scratched: string
For line breaks use "br" in the middle of <>
For colors use this code: Text
For indented quoting, use a greater than sign (>) and then a space, then type the text. The text is indented and has a gray horizontal line to the left of it until the next carriage return.
here is an example of how it works!
For bullets, use the dash sign (- ) with a space after it, or a space, a dash, and a space ( - ), to create a circular bullet. To create a sub bullet, use a tab followed a dash and a space. You can also use an asterisk instead of a dash, and it works the same.
For numbered lists, start with 1. followed by a space, then it starts numbering for you. Start each line with some number and a period, then a space. Tab to indent to get subnumbering.
For horizontal lines: Use three asterisks: ***
"Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace." - Wikipedia @
print("Hello World")
Hello World
print("This is my first notebook!")
This is my first notebook!
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