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ENGR 1330 ES-23 - Homework
From a normally distributed population, we randolmy took a sample of 200 dogs with a mean weight of 70 pounds. Suppose the standard deviation of the population is 20:
# 95% confidence interval
# 90% confidence interval
# 99% confidence interval
Download the data frame DogWeights. Describe the dataframe; how many rows?; what is the mean dog weight?; what is the standard deviation?; make a histogram of the dataframe
Assuming the dataframe is the entire population evaluate the value of your confidence interval estimates:
For the 95% confidence interval simulate 20 random samples of size 200 from the population, from those samples estimate the mean (20 estimates). Then determine how many of your 20 estimates produce a mean value within the confidence interval you determine in Exercise 1 above.
Repeat for the 99% confidence interval, but simulate 100 random samples of size 200. Again how many of the 100 estimates fall within the confidence interval you determined in Exercise 1 above.
# download the file
#! pip install requests #install packages into local environment
import requests # import needed modules to interact with the internet
# make the connection to the remote file (actually its implementing "bash curl -O http://fqdn/path ...")
remote_url = '' # a csv file
response = requests.get(remote_url) # Gets the file contents puts into an object
output = open('DogWeights.csv', 'wb') # Prepare a destination, local
output.write(response.content) # write contents of object to named local file
output.close() # close the connection
# describe the dataframe
# how many rows?
# what is the mean dog weight?
# what is the standard deviation?
# make a histogram of the dataframe
# 95% confidence interval
# 99% confidence interval
Amazon is considering changing the color of their logo. The smile will be green instead of orange!
Let us assume out of 5000 users, they have directed 2500 to site A with the previous logo, and the rest to site B with the new logo. In the first group, 1863 users made a purchase. In the second group, 1904 users made a purchase. Is this a statistically significant result? Should Amazon change their logo in order to make more sells?