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Exercise Set 22: "Reject it or Fail!" or a Lab on "Hypothesis Testing"



ENGR 1330 Exercise Set 22

Exercise 1

The data below are the impact impact strength of packaging materials in foot-pounds of two branded boxes. Produce a histogram of the two series, and determine if there is evidence of a difference in mean strength between the two brands. Use an appropriate hypothesis test to support your assertion at a level of significance of $\alpha = 0.10$.

Amazon Branded Boxes Walmart Branded Boxes
1.25 0.89
1.16 1.01
1.33 0.97
1.15 0.95
1.23 0.94
1.20 1.02
1.32 0.98
1.28 1.06
1.21 0.98
1.14 0.94
1.17 1.02
1.34 0.98


  • Working scripts that produce perform the necessary tests
  • Narrative (or print blocks) that supply answer questions
  • CCMR citations for sources (URL for outside sources is OK)


  • A suggested set of code cells is listed below
  • Add/remove cells as needed for your solution
In [1]:
# define lists and make into dataframe 
In [24]:
# describe lists/dataframe 
In [25]:
# histograms
In [26]:
# hypothesis tests are means same? (test for nomrality then t-test if normal; mann-whitney if non-normal)
In [27]:
# interpret findings (could be a markdown cell, or embed into code)