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Laboratory 12: Practice with Pandas



ENGR 1330 Laboratory 12 - In-Lab

Exercise 1

Profile your computer

Run the script below exactly as written

In [6]:
import sys
! hostname
! whoami


Population Lines

Use pandas to read a dataframe from the file
Then produce a line plot of the counts by age for the 2010 census, x-axis will be the series age, y-axis will be the census values for 2010.

In [12]:
# get the file (using requests, or just download to your computer by hand)
import requests # Module to process http/https requests
remote_url=""  # set the url
rget = requests.get(remote_url, allow_redirects=True)  # get the remote resource, follow imbedded links
junk = open('census_18.csv','wb').write(rget.content) # extract from the remote the contents, assign to a local file same name
In [13]:
# read the file into a dataframe
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('census_18.csv')
df.head() # Examine dataframe layout
AGE 2010 2014
0 0 3951330 3949775
1 1 3957888 3949776
2 2 4090862 3959664
3 3 4111920 4007079
4 4 4077551 4005716
In [14]:
# plotting 
df.plot.line(x="AGE", y="2010", label="duh", c="blue")# Make a plot fill in the parameters

Exercise 2:

Using your dataframe from above, plot both the 2010 and 2014 census values by age. Plot the 2010 distribution in blue and the 2014 distribution in red.

In [ ]:
ax = df.plot.line(x="", y="", label="", c="blue") # fill in the parameters
df.plot.line(x="", y="", label="", c="red", ax=ax)

Exercise 3.

  1. What is population for age = 9 for the 2010 census?
  2. What is population for age = 9 for the 2014 census?
  3. Is the portion of population over 9 years old increasing? decreasing? staying the same?
In [ ]:
# your code here


Put the new histogram and the previous one next to each other and explain what you can infer by comparing them.