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Laboratory 6: FUN with functions



ENGR 1330 Laboratory 6 - In-Lab

In [1]:
# Preamble script block to identify host, user, and kernel
import sys
! hostname
! whoami
3.8.10 (default, Jun  2 2021, 10:49:15) 
[GCC 9.4.0]
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=10, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

What is a function in Python?

Functions are simply pre-written code fragments that perform a certain task.

How do I implement (call) the function?

We call a function simply by typing the name of the function or by using the dot notation. Whether we can use the dot notation or not depends on how the function is written, whether it is part of a class, and how it is imported into a program.

Some functions expect us to pass data to them to perform their tasks. These data are known as parameters( older terminology is arguments, or argument list) and we pass them to the function by enclosing their values in parenthesis ( ) separated by commas.

For instance, the print() function for displaying text on the screen is \called" by typing print('Hello World') where print is the name of the function and the literal (a string) 'Hello World' is the argument.

How does a function fit within the program flow ?

A function, whether built-in, or added must be defined before it is called, otherwise the script will fail.
Certain built-in functions "self define" upon start (such as print() and type() and we need not worry about those funtions).


The example below illustrate some features of functions. The forst code block should generate an error because the math package is not yet imported (if you have it from another notebook, just restart the kernel to clear everything). Then fix the indicated line (remove the leading "#" in the import math ... line) and rerun, should get a functioning script.

The second block of code uses an alias (remaming) technique to import a specific function contained within an external module.

In [2]:
# reset the notebook using a magic function in JupyterLab
%reset -f 
# An example, run once as is then activate indicated line, run again - what happens?
x= 4.
sqrt_by_arithmetic = x**0.5
print('Using arithmetic square root of ', x, ' is ',sqrt_by_arithmetic )
#import math # import the math package ## activate and rerun
sqrt_by_math = math.sqrt(x)  # note the dot notation
print('Using math package square root of ',  x,' is ',sqrt_by_arithmetic)
Using arithmetic square root of  4.0  is  2.0
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-a9bb754eacfd> in <module>
      6 print('Using arithmetic square root of ', x, ' is ',sqrt_by_arithmetic )
      7 #import math # import the math package ## activate and rerun
----> 8 sqrt_by_math = math.sqrt(x)  # note the dot notation
      9 print('Using math package square root of ',  x,' is ',sqrt_by_arithmetic)

NameError: name 'math' is not defined
In [3]:
# Here is an alternative way: We just load the function that we want:
# reset the notebook using a magic function in JupyterLab
%reset -f 
# An example, run once as is then activate indicated line, run again - what happens?
x= 4.
sqrt_by_arithmetic = x**0.5
print('Using arithmetic square root of ', x, ' is ',sqrt_by_arithmetic )
from math import sqrt # import sqrt from the math package ## activate and rerun
sqrt_by_math = sqrt(x)  # note the notation
print('Using math package square root of ',  x,' is ',sqrt_by_arithmetic)
Using arithmetic square root of  4.0  is  2.0
Using math package square root of  4.0  is  2.0

Added-In using External Packages/Modules and Libaries (e.g. math)

Python is also distributed with a large number of external functions. These functions are saved in files known as modules or libraries or packages. To use the built-in codes in Python modules, we have to import the modules themselves into our programs first. We do that by using the import keyword. There are three ways to import:

  1. Import the entire module by writing import moduleName; For instance, to import the random module, we write import random. To use the randrange() function in the random module, we write random.randrange( 1, 10);28
  2. Import and rename the module by writing import random as r (where r is any name of your choice). Now to use the randrange() function, you simply write r.randrange(1, 10); and
  3. Import specific functions from the module by writing from moduleName import name1[,name2[, ... nameN]]. For instance, to import the randrange() function from the random module, we write from random import randrange. To import multiple functions, we separate them with a comma. To import the randrange() and randint() functions, we write from random import randrange, randint. To use the function now, we do not have to use the dot notation anymore. Just write randrange( 1, 10).
In [5]:
# Example 1 of import
%reset -f 
import random
low = 1 ; high = 10
random.randrange(low,high) #generate random number in range low to high
In [6]:
# Example 2 of import
%reset -f 
import random as r
low = 1 ; high = 10
In [7]:
# Example 3 of import
%reset -f 
from random import randrange 
low = 1 ; high = 10

The modules that come with Python are extensive and listed at There are also other modules that can be downloaded, installed into your python system, then imported into your codes. (just like user defined modules below). In lab we are building fairly primitive codes to learn how to code and how to create algorithms.

For many practical cases you will want to load a well-tested package to accomplish the tasks, and only enough of your own scripting to implement the package.

How do I make my own functions?

We can define our own functions in Python and reuse them throughout the program. The syntax for defining a function is:

def functionName( argument ):
    code detailing what the function should do
    note the colon above and indentation
    return [expression]

The keyword def tells the program that the indented code from the next line onwards is part of the function. The keyword returntells the program to return an answer from the function. There can be multiple return statements in a function. Once the function executes a return statement, the program exits the function and continues with its next executable statement. If the function does not need to return any value, you can omit the return statement, although my preference is to always have a return, even if null.

Functions can be pretty elaborate; they can search for things in a list, determine variable types, open and close files, read and write to files.

To get started we will build a few really simple mathematical functions; we will need this skill in the future anyway, especially in scientific programming contexts.

User-built within a Code Block

For our first function we will code $$f(x) = x\sqrt{1 + x}$$ into a function named dusty().

When you run the next cell, all it does is prototype the function (defines it), nothing happens until we use the function.

In [9]:
def dusty(x) :
    temp = x * ((1.0+x)**(0.5)) # don't need the math package
    return temp
# the function should make the evaluation
# store in the local variable temp
# return contents of temp
In [10]:
# wrapper to run the dusty function
yes = 0
while yes == 0:
    xvalue = input('enter a numeric value')
        xvalue = float(xvalue)
        yes = 1
        print('enter a bloody number! Try again \n')
# call the function, get value , write output
yvalue = dusty(xvalue)
print('f(',xvalue,') = ',yvalue) # and we are done 
f( 4.0 ) =  8.94427190999916

Example: The Average Function

Create the AVERAGE function for three values and test it for these values:

  • 3,4,5
  • 10,100,1000
  • -5,15,5
In [11]:
# def AVERAGE3(x,y,z) : #define the function "AVERAGE3"
#     avg = (x+y+z)/3  #computes the average
#     return avg
In [12]:
# print(AVERAGE3(3,4,5))
# print(AVERAGE3(10,100,1000))
# print(AVERAGE3(-5,15,5))

Example: The KATANA Function

Create the Katana function for rounding off to the nearest hundredths (to 2 decimal places) and test it for these values:

  • 25.33694
  • 15.753951
  • 3.14159265359
In [16]:
def Katana(x) : #define the function "Katana"
    newX = round(x, 2)
    return newX
In [13]:

Exercise: The Wakizashi function

Create the Wakizashi function for rounding off to the nearest thousands (to 3 decimal places) and test it for these values:

  • 25.33694
  • 15.753951
  • 3.14159265359
In [15]:
def Wakizashi(x) : #define the function "Katana"
# insert code here    
        return newX
In [14]:
# print(Wakizashi(25.33694))
# print(Wakizashi(15.753951))
# print(Wakizashi(3.14159265359))

Example: Variable Scope

An important concept when defining a function is the concept of variable scope. Variables defined inside a function are treated differently from variables defined outside.

We can leverage this feature to protect the calling program and not clobber variables as below

In [32]:
def a(): 
    print('\n Variable x inside function a is',x)
    x = x +1
    print(' Variable x inside function a is',x,'\n')
    return x
In [33]:
# now a silly script
x = 13
print('Variable x before executing function a is',x)
y = a()
print('Variable x after executing function a is',x)
print('Variable y after executing function a is',y)
Variable x before executing function a is 13

 Variable x inside function a is 25
 Variable x inside function a is 26 

Variable x after executing function a is 13
Variable y after executing function a is 26

Now we change x into a global variable within the function and get:

In [34]:
def a(): 
    global x
    print('\n Variable x inside function a is',x)
    x = x +1
    print(' Variable x inside function a is',x,'\n')
    return x
In [35]:
# now a silly script
x = 13
print('Variable x before executing function a is',x)
y = a()
print('Variable x after executing function a is',x)
print('Variable y after executing function a is',y)
Variable x before executing function a is 13

 Variable x inside function a is 25
 Variable x inside function a is 26 

Variable x after executing function a is 26
Variable y after executing function a is 26

Example: Saving a User Function as a Separate Module/File

In this section we will invent the neko() function, export it to a file, so we can reuse it in later notebooks without having to retype or cut-and-paste. The neko() function evaluates:

$$f(x) = x\sqrt{|(1 + x)|}$$

Its the same as the dusty() function, except operates on the absolute value in the wadical.

  1. Create a text file named "mylibrary.txt"
  2. Copy the neko() function script below into that file.

     def neko(input_argument) :
         import math #ok to import into a function
         local_variable = input_argument * math.sqrt(abs(1.0+input_argument))
         return local_variable
  1. rename mylibrary.txt to (you may need to do this in the file explorer)
  2. modify the wrapper script to use the neko function as an external module
# bash commands to make the file and populate it directly on a linux (this is here as a backup) notice its a raw cell ! echo 'def neko(input_argument):' > line1.txt ! echo ' import math #ok to import into a function' > line2.txt ! echo ' local_variable = input_argument * math.sqrt(abs(1.0+input_argument))' > line3.txt ! echo ' return local_variable' > line4.txt ! cat line1.txt line2.txt line3.txt line4.txt > mylibrary.txt ! rm line*.txt ! mv mylibrary.txt
In [1]:
# wrapper to run the neko function
import mylibrary
yes = 0
while yes == 0:
    xvalue = input('enter a numeric value')
        xvalue = float(xvalue)
        yes = 1
        print('enter a bloody number! Try again \n')
# call the function, get value , write output
yvalue = mylibrary.neko(xvalue)
print('f(',xvalue,') = ',yvalue) # and we are done 
f( 6.0 ) =  15.874507866387544

In JupyterHub environments, you may discover that sometimes changes you make to your external python file are not reflected when you re-run your script; you need to restart the kernel to get the changes to actually update.


Make a function that squares its input:

$$ f(x) = x^2 $$

and test it for the following values of x:

  • -1
  • 0.0
  • 1.0
  • 2.0
  • 3.0
In [50]:
# define the function here
In [49]:
# print(xsquared(-1))
# print(xsquared(0.0))
# print(xsquared(1.0))
# print(xsquared(2.0))
# print(xsquared(3.0))


Here are some great reads on this topic:

Here are some great videos on these topics: