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Laboratory 4.1

Laboratory 4.1: Data Structures



ENGR 1330 Laboratory 4.1 - In-Lab

In [1]:
# Preamble script block to identify host, user, and kernel
import sys
! hostname
! whoami
3.8.10 (default, Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08) 
[GCC 9.3.0]
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=10, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

Data Structures: List

A list is a collection of data that are somehow related. It is a convenient way to refer to a collection of similar things by a single name, and using an index (like a subscript in math) to identify a particular item.

In engineering and data science we use lists a lot - we often call them vectors, arrays, matrices and such, but they are ultimately just lists.

To declare a list you can write the list name and assign it values. The square brackets are used to identify that the variable is a list. Like:

MyList = [7,11,5,9,13,66,99,223]

One can also declare a null list and use the append() method to fill it as needed.

MyOtherList = [ ]

Python indices start at ZERO. Alot of other lnguages start at ONE. Its just the convention.

The first element in a list has an index of 0, the second an index of 1, and so on. We access the contents of a list by referring to its name and index. For example

MyList[3] has a value of the number 9.
In [6]:
MyOtherList = [] #Create an empty list
MyOtherList.append(765) #Add one item to the list

MyList = [7,11,5,9,13,66,99,223] #Define a list 

sublist = MyList[3:6] #slice a sublist
print("sublist is: ", sublist)

mysum = sum(sublist) #sum the numbers in the sublist
print("Sum: ", mysum)

mylength = len(sublist) #get the length of the sublist
print("Length: ", mylength)
[7, 11, 5, 9, 13, 66, 99, 223]
sublist is:  [9, 13, 66]
Sum:  88
Length:  3

Data Structures: Special List | Tuple

A tuple is a special kind of list where the values cannot be changed after the list is created. It is useful for list-like things that are static - like days in a week, or months of a year. You declare a tuple like a list, except use round brackets instead of square brackets.

MyTupleName = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")

Data Structures: Special List | Dictionary

A dictionary is a special kind of list where the items are related data PAIRS. The second item could itself be a list, so a dictionary would be a meaningful way to build a database in Python.

To declare a dictionary using curly brackets

MyPetsNamesAndMass = { "Dusty":7.8 , "Aspen":6.3, "Merrimee":0.03}

To declare a dictionary using the dict() method

MyPetsNamesAndMassToo = dict(Dusty = 7.8 , Aspen = 6.3, Merrimee = 0.03)

Some examples follow:

In [14]:
MyTupleName = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')
In [15]:
MyPetsNamesAndMass = { "Dusty":7.8 , "Aspen":6.3, "Merrimee":0.03}
MyPetsNamesAndMassToo = dict(Dusty = 7.8 , Aspen = 6.3, Merrimee = 0.04)
{'Dusty': 7.8, 'Aspen': 6.3, 'Merrimee': 0.03}
{'Dusty': 7.8, 'Aspen': 6.3, 'Merrimee': 0.04}
In [5]:
# Tuples
MyTupleName = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
# Access a Tuple
print ("5th element of the tuple:", MyTupleName[4])
# Dictionary
MyPetsNamesAndMass = { "Dusty":7.8 , "Aspen":6.3, "Merrimee":0.03}
# Access the Dictionary
print ("Aspen's mass = ", MyPetsNamesAndMass["Aspen"])
# Change a value in a dictionary
print ("Merrimee's mass" , MyPetsNamesAndMass["Merrimee"])
MyPetsNamesAndMass["Merrimee"] = 0.01
print ("Merrimee's mass" , MyPetsNamesAndMass["Merrimee"], "She lost weight !")
# Alternate dictionary
MyPetsNamesAndMassToo = dict(Dusty = 7.8 , Aspen = 6.3, Merrimee = 0.03)
print ("Merrimee's mass" , MyPetsNamesAndMassToo["Merrimee"])
# Attempt to change a Tuple
#MyTupleName[3]=("Fred") # Activate this line and see what happens!
5th element of the tuple: May
Aspen's mass =  6.3
Merrimee's mass 0.03
Merrimee's mass 0.01 She lost weight !
Merrimee's mass 0.03

Example: Nested Dictionary

From the dictionary below, print "Pandemic" and "Tokyo":

In [17]:
FD = {"Quentin":"Tarantino","2020":[2020,"COVID",19,"Pandemic"],"Bond":["James","Gun",("Paris","Tokyo","London")]} #A nested dictionary
{'Quentin': 'Tarantino', '2020': [2020, 'COVID', 19, 'Pandemic'], 'Bond': ['James', 'Gun', ('Paris', 'Tokyo', 'London')]}
In [18]:
In [19]:
In [26]:


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