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ENGR 1330 Laboratory 4 - Homework
# Preamble script block to identify host, user, and kernel
import sys
! hostname
! whoami
atomickitty sensei /opt/jupyterhub/bin/python3 3.8.10 (default, Jun 2 2021, 10:49:15) [GCC 9.4.0] sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=10, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
Consider the structure below (a treasure map)
¦ 34 ¦ 21 ¦ 32 ¦ 41 ¦ 25 ¦
¦ 14 ¦ 42 ¦ 43 ¦ 14 ¦ 31 ¦
¦ 54 ¦ 45 ¦ 52 ¦ 42 ¦ 23 ¦
¦ 33 ¦ 15 ¦ 51 ¦ 31 ¦ 35 ¦
¦ 21 ¦ 52 ¦ 33 ¦ 13 ¦ 23 ¦
In this problem you are to write a program to explore the above array for a treasure. The values in the array are clues. Each cell contains an integer between 11 and 55; for each value the ten's digit represents the row number and the unit's digit represents the column number of the cell containing the next clue. Starting in the upper left corner (at 1,1), use the clues to guide your search of the array. (The first three clues are 11, 34, 42). The treasure is a cell whose value is the same as its coordinates. Your program must first read in the treasure map data into a 5 by 5 array. Your program should output the cells it visits during its search, and a message indicating where you found the treasure.
The "Treasure Hunt Problem" is from the avaiable at
Now for your problem we have not yet learned how to read from files, its a small problem so lets just construct the map manually by a sequence of expressions; Ive done the first two rows, so you only have to complete the script.
treasuremap = [] # empty list to store row, column information
treasuremap.append([34,21,32,41,25]) # first row of the map
treasuremap.append([14,42,43,14,31]) # second row of the map
treasuremap.append([34,21,32,41,25]) # first row of the map
treasuremap.append([14,42,43,14,31]) # second row of the map
treasuremap.append([54,45,52,42,23]) # third row of the map
treasuremap.append([33,15,51,31,35]) # fourth row of the map
treasuremap.append([21,52,33,13,23]) # fifth row of the map
print(treasuremap) # print the map (which is a list)
row = 1
column = 3
print(treasuremap[row-1][column-1]) # print a single element
[[34, 21, 32, 41, 25], [14, 42, 43, 14, 31], [34, 21, 32, 41, 25], [14, 42, 43, 14, 31], [54, 45, 52, 42, 23], [33, 15, 51, 31, 35], [21, 52, 33, 13, 23]] 32
You are driving too fast, and a robotic police officer stops you. The robot is programmed with conditional statements to return one of 3 possible results: "No ticket","One hundred dollar fine", or "Five hundred dollar fine". according to the following rules
You discover you are able to hack into the robot and can modify the fine script.
Modify it so that:
Leave the rest unchanged.
# Original Script
# Input Speed
speed = int(input('How Fast ? (numeric)'))
# Input Birthday
yes = 0
# while loop
while yes == 0:
userInput = str(input('Is it your birthday? (Yes or No)'))
if userInput == 'Yes' or 'yes' or 'y' or 'Y':
is_birthday = True
elif userInput == 'No' or 'no' or 'n' or 'N' or 'nein':
is_birthday = False
yes = 1
print ("You did not enter Yes or No, try again \n")
# Exit the while loop when finally have a valid answer
if is_birthday:
alterspeed = speed-5
alterspeed = speed
if alterspeed > 86:
print('Fine = $500')
elif alterspeed > 75:
print('Fine = $100')
print('No Ticket')
No Ticket
Using your treasure map script a selection statement that tests if a cell contains treasure (does the cell value agree with the row and column index), but it needs useful messages - add the messages.
treasuremap = [] # empty list to store row, column information
treasuremap.append([34,21,32,41,25]) # first row of the map
treasuremap.append([14,42,43,14,31]) # second row of the map
treasuremap.append([54,45,52,42,23]) # third row of the map
treasuremap.append([33,15,51,31,35]) # fourth row of the map
treasuremap.append([21,52,33,13,23]) # fifth row of the map
print(treasuremap) # print the map (which is a list)
row = 1
column = 3
#print(treasuremap[row-1][column-1]) # print a single element
maprowval = str(treasuremap[row-1][column-1])[0]
mapcolval = str(treasuremap[row-1][column-1])[1]
if int(maprowval) == row and int(mapcolval) == column :
print('Cell ',treasuremap[row-1][column-1],' contains TREASURE')
pass #comment this line out when have message
print('Cell ',treasuremap[row-1][column-1],' contains nothing')
pass #comment this line out when have message
[[34, 21, 32, 41, 25], [14, 42, 43, 14, 31], [54, 45, 52, 42, 23], [33, 15, 51, 31, 35], [21, 52, 33, 13, 23]] Cell 32 contains nothing
1904 was a leap year. Create a script that prints out all the leap years from in the 20th century (1904-1999).
# A loop for leaps - some hints
# Make a script that prints all years from 1904-1999; then modify to just print the leaps!
for i in range(1904,2000,4):
1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996
Print a table of the sines of angles (in radians) between 0 and 1.57 with steps of 0.01. The script below might help (it will need modification!)
import math # package that contains sine
print(" Sines ")
print(" x ","|"," sin(x) ")
for i in range(0,158,1):
x = float(i)*0.01
print("%.3f" % x, " |", " %.4f " % math.sin(x)) # note the format code and the placeholder % and syntax of using package
Sines x | sin(x) --------|-------- 0.000 | 0.0000 0.010 | 0.0100 0.020 | 0.0200 0.030 | 0.0300 0.040 | 0.0400 0.050 | 0.0500 0.060 | 0.0600 0.070 | 0.0699 0.080 | 0.0799 0.090 | 0.0899 0.100 | 0.0998 0.110 | 0.1098 0.120 | 0.1197 0.130 | 0.1296 0.140 | 0.1395 0.150 | 0.1494 0.160 | 0.1593 0.170 | 0.1692 0.180 | 0.1790 0.190 | 0.1889 0.200 | 0.1987 0.210 | 0.2085 0.220 | 0.2182 0.230 | 0.2280 0.240 | 0.2377 0.250 | 0.2474 0.260 | 0.2571 0.270 | 0.2667 0.280 | 0.2764 0.290 | 0.2860 0.300 | 0.2955 0.310 | 0.3051 0.320 | 0.3146 0.330 | 0.3240 0.340 | 0.3335 0.350 | 0.3429 0.360 | 0.3523 0.370 | 0.3616 0.380 | 0.3709 0.390 | 0.3802 0.400 | 0.3894 0.410 | 0.3986 0.420 | 0.4078 0.430 | 0.4169 0.440 | 0.4259 0.450 | 0.4350 0.460 | 0.4439 0.470 | 0.4529 0.480 | 0.4618 0.490 | 0.4706 0.500 | 0.4794 0.510 | 0.4882 0.520 | 0.4969 0.530 | 0.5055 0.540 | 0.5141 0.550 | 0.5227 0.560 | 0.5312 0.570 | 0.5396 0.580 | 0.5480 0.590 | 0.5564 0.600 | 0.5646 0.610 | 0.5729 0.620 | 0.5810 0.630 | 0.5891 0.640 | 0.5972 0.650 | 0.6052 0.660 | 0.6131 0.670 | 0.6210 0.680 | 0.6288 0.690 | 0.6365 0.700 | 0.6442 0.710 | 0.6518 0.720 | 0.6594 0.730 | 0.6669 0.740 | 0.6743 0.750 | 0.6816 0.760 | 0.6889 0.770 | 0.6961 0.780 | 0.7033 0.790 | 0.7104 0.800 | 0.7174 0.810 | 0.7243 0.820 | 0.7311 0.830 | 0.7379 0.840 | 0.7446 0.850 | 0.7513 0.860 | 0.7578 0.870 | 0.7643 0.880 | 0.7707 0.890 | 0.7771 0.900 | 0.7833 0.910 | 0.7895 0.920 | 0.7956 0.930 | 0.8016 0.940 | 0.8076 0.950 | 0.8134 0.960 | 0.8192 0.970 | 0.8249 0.980 | 0.8305 0.990 | 0.8360 1.000 | 0.8415 1.010 | 0.8468 1.020 | 0.8521 1.030 | 0.8573 1.040 | 0.8624 1.050 | 0.8674 1.060 | 0.8724 1.070 | 0.8772 1.080 | 0.8820 1.090 | 0.8866 1.100 | 0.8912 1.110 | 0.8957 1.120 | 0.9001 1.130 | 0.9044 1.140 | 0.9086 1.150 | 0.9128 1.160 | 0.9168 1.170 | 0.9208 1.180 | 0.9246 1.190 | 0.9284 1.200 | 0.9320 1.210 | 0.9356 1.220 | 0.9391 1.230 | 0.9425 1.240 | 0.9458 1.250 | 0.9490 1.260 | 0.9521 1.270 | 0.9551 1.280 | 0.9580 1.290 | 0.9608 1.300 | 0.9636 1.310 | 0.9662 1.320 | 0.9687 1.330 | 0.9711 1.340 | 0.9735 1.350 | 0.9757 1.360 | 0.9779 1.370 | 0.9799 1.380 | 0.9819 1.390 | 0.9837 1.400 | 0.9854 1.410 | 0.9871 1.420 | 0.9887 1.430 | 0.9901 1.440 | 0.9915 1.450 | 0.9927 1.460 | 0.9939 1.470 | 0.9949 1.480 | 0.9959 1.490 | 0.9967 1.500 | 0.9975 1.510 | 0.9982 1.520 | 0.9987 1.530 | 0.9992 1.540 | 0.9995 1.550 | 0.9998 1.560 | 0.9999 1.570 | 1.0000
Consider the script below, it produces a triangle of lower case 'x' that is 13 lines tall. Modify the script to allow:
# Modify this script
howmany = 13
mychar = 'x'
counter = 1
while counter <= howmany:
linetoprint=linetoprint + mychar
counter += 1
x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Modify your solution above to produce:
where the 'W','T','F' are user inputs.
Now using your script from Part 2, and the example below (incomplete - thats your job) insert your selection script code into the appropriate place and find the treasure. (i.e. Have your script visit every cell and test for treasure)
¦ 34 ¦ 21 ¦ 32 ¦ 41 ¦ 25 ¦
¦ 14 ¦ 42 ¦ 43 ¦ 14 ¦ 31 ¦
¦ 54 ¦ 45 ¦ 52 ¦ 42 ¦ 23 ¦
¦ 33 ¦ 15 ¦ 51 ¦ 31 ¦ 35 ¦
¦ 21 ¦ 52 ¦ 33 ¦ 13 ¦ 23 ¦
treasuremap = [] # empty list to store row, column information
treasuremap.append([34,21,32,41,25]) # first row of the map
treasuremap.append([14,42,43,14,31]) # second row of the map
treasuremap.append([54,45,52,42,23]) # second row of the map
treasuremap.append([33,15,51,31,35]) # second row of the map
treasuremap.append([21,52,33,13,23]) # second row of the map
# third row of the map
# fourth row of the map
# fifth row of the map
for i in range(0,5,1):
print(treasuremap[i][:]) # print the map by row
for i in range(0,5,1): # visit the rows
for j in range(0,5,1): # visit the columns
# get row and column from i and j values
row = i+1
column = j+1
# get maprowval and mapcolval
maprowval = str(treasuremap[row-1][column-1])[0]
mapcolval = str(treasuremap[row-1][column-1])[1]
# test if cell is a treasure cell or not
if int(maprowval) == row and int(mapcolval) == column :
print('Cell ',treasuremap[i][j], ' contains TREASURE ') # print the map by row
pass #comment this line out when have message
print('Cell ',treasuremap[i][j], ' contains no treasure') # message here for no treasure
pass #comment this line out when have message
[34, 21, 32, 41, 25] [14, 42, 43, 14, 31] [54, 45, 52, 42, 23] [33, 15, 51, 31, 35] [21, 52, 33, 13, 23] Cell 34 contains no treasure Cell 21 contains no treasure Cell 32 contains no treasure Cell 41 contains no treasure Cell 25 contains no treasure Cell 14 contains no treasure Cell 42 contains no treasure Cell 43 contains no treasure Cell 14 contains no treasure Cell 31 contains no treasure Cell 54 contains no treasure Cell 45 contains no treasure Cell 52 contains no treasure Cell 42 contains no treasure Cell 23 contains no treasure Cell 33 contains no treasure Cell 15 contains no treasure Cell 51 contains no treasure Cell 31 contains no treasure Cell 35 contains no treasure Cell 21 contains no treasure Cell 52 contains TREASURE Cell 33 contains no treasure Cell 13 contains no treasure Cell 23 contains no treasure