In [1]:
# Preamble script block to identify host, user, and kernel
import sys
! hostname
! whoami
! pwd
3.8.3 (default, Jul  2 2020, 16:21:59) 
[GCC 7.3.0]
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=3, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
In [2]:
<!--Script block to left align Markdown Tables-->
  table {margin-left: 0 !important;}

Lesson 14, Towards Hypothesis Testing:

Empirical Distributions

Last lesson we introduced empirical (based on observations) distributions and fit models to them - made the red line explain the blue dots. Ltes refresh a little:

Plotting Position: An empirical distribution, based on a random sample from some underlying distribution, is obtained by plotting an estimate of the exceedance (or cumulative) probability of the sample distribution against the sample value.

The exceedance probability estimate for a particular sample value is a function of sample size and the rank of the particular sample. For exceedance probabilities, the sample values are ranked from largest to smallest.

The general expression in common use for plotting position is $ P = \frac{m - b}{N + 1 -2b} $

where m is the ordered rank of a sample value, N is the sample size, and b is a constant between 0 and 1, depending on the plotting method.

Lets look at some real data from The database in the report is available at:

A proper URL reading would look something like:

import requests 
rget = requests.get(remote_url, allow_redirects=True)  

Of course neither of these will work with CoCalc, so you have to manually obtain the file.

Here we already have the file downloaded.

In [3]:
import pandas 
data = pandas.read_csv("database_txdot0-6654.txt",sep="|") 
0 7227500 35.47028 101.87917 584.0 0.000993 -0.001302 0.01 48636.71 -0.071 373.0 117.0 3.19 104.0 0.8844
1 7227500 35.47028 101.87917 584.0 0.000993 -0.001302 0.01 48636.71 -0.071 961.0 300.0 3.20 285.0 0.9520
2 7227500 35.47028 101.87917 584.0 0.000993 -0.001302 0.01 48636.71 -0.071 1240.0 370.0 3.35 285.0 0.9619
3 7227500 35.47028 101.87917 584.0 0.000993 -0.001302 0.01 48636.71 -0.071 3240.0 613.0 5.29 259.0 0.9852
4 7227500 35.47028 101.87917 584.0 0.000993 -0.001302 0.01 48636.71 -0.071 2790.0 564.0 4.95 244.0 0.9830

The file contains various fields, here let's just name a few.

CDA is the contributing drainage area, V is the mean section velocity in the stream at a gaging station, B is the topwidth, A is the cross section area of flow, Q is the beasured discharge.

In [4]:
count 8.716000e+04 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000 87160.000000
mean 8.031553e+06 30.964611 97.559126 3456.175954 0.001911 0.001024 0.001568 89782.819833 0.035240 1391.274509 560.867726 1.363315 102.836440 0.576762
std 2.645115e+05 1.822558 1.945012 6863.027946 0.002500 0.002222 0.001779 25066.180563 0.144071 6105.778306 1862.221619 1.040581 332.885599 0.297862
min 7.227500e+06 27.264170 93.519440 2.310000 -0.000041 -0.020000 -0.000864 30279.510000 -0.428000 0.001000 0.003000 0.001000 0.040000 0.000100
25% 8.058900e+06 29.570030 95.919170 188.000000 0.000646 -0.000028 0.000509 71566.780000 -0.071000 8.030000 10.600000 0.680000 18.000000 0.326275
50% 8.104100e+06 30.517220 97.620560 584.000000 0.001307 0.000468 0.000967 86816.740000 0.048000 49.800000 44.700000 1.110000 40.000000 0.592200
75% 8.166000e+06 32.199170 98.897170 2342.000000 0.002232 0.001929 0.001912 107752.900000 0.146000 389.000000 280.000000 1.740000 100.000000 0.850800
max 8.447020e+06 36.238610 104.001110 41412.000000 0.030000 0.020000 0.010000 150543.320000 0.336000 268600.000000 74700.000000 13.850000 45983.000000 1.000000

Lets build two datasets, one with CDA > 300, and one CDA < 300 and examine the velocities under these two classifications.

In [5]:
dataBig = data[data['CDA'] >= 300][['STATION','CDA','V']]
dataLittle = data[data['CDA'] < 300][['STATION','CDA','V']]

Now lets pose a simple question. Are the velocities from large drainage areas, bigger than small areas? We can try a describe approach.

In [6]:
count 5.628300e+04 56283.000000 56283.000000
mean 8.004816e+06 5280.254819 1.483542
std 3.003822e+05 7971.520408 1.087066
min 7.227500e+06 303.000000 0.003000
25% 8.044000e+06 585.000000 0.780000
50% 8.104500e+06 1321.000000 1.230000
75% 8.167800e+06 5228.000000 1.870000
max 8.447020e+06 41412.000000 13.850000
In [7]:
count 3.087700e+04 30877.000000 30877.000000
mean 8.080290e+06 131.221109 1.144164
std 1.713293e+05 84.080353 0.910045
min 7.227920e+06 2.310000 0.001000
25% 8.066200e+06 63.300000 0.550000
50% 8.095400e+06 120.000000 0.900000
75% 8.164503e+06 206.000000 1.450000
max 8.431700e+06 299.000000 10.440000

Hard to tell, the mean values are pretty close, standard deviation about the same, the IQR is close. Lets try to plot two histograms side-by-side. We can get some guidance from

And then Copy, Modify, Run (CMR) our new script.

In [8]:
import matplotlib.pyplot 
# make a couple of dataframes
set1 = dataBig['V']
set2 = dataLittle['V']
# use subplots
fig, axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(1, 2)
axes[0].set_title('Velocity: Big Watersheds') 
axes[1].set_title('Velocity: Little Watersheds')
# here we build the plots - notice the ax variable
set1.hist( bins=100, rwidth=1, color='blue', density=True, ax=axes[0],figsize = (8,4))
set2.hist( bins=100, rwidth=1, color='red', density=True, ax=axes[1],figsize = (8,4))
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Velocity: Little Watersheds'}>

The plots look pretty darned similar, not identical, but too similar to conclude the size matters.

So lets try our empirical distribution approach

In [9]:
# First copy into numpy arrays
import numpy
big1s = numpy.array(dataBig['V'])
little1s = numpy.array(dataLittle['V'])
In [10]:
def weibull_pp(sample): # Weibull plotting position function
# returns a list of plotting positions; sample must be a numeric list
    weibull_pp = [] # null list to return after fill
    sample.sort() # sort the sample list in place
    for i in range(0,len(sample),1):
        weibull_pp.append((i+1)/(len(sample)+1)) #values from the gringorten formula
    return weibull_pp
In [11]:
#Apply the weibull pp function
big1s_wei = weibull_pp(big1s)
little1s_wei = weibull_pp(little1s)
In [12]:
import matplotlib.pyplot
myfigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize = (4,8)) # generate a object from the figure class, set aspect ratio
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(big1s_wei, big1s ,color ='blue')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(little1s_wei, little1s ,color ='orange')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Density or Quantile Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Velocity Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.title("Quantile Plot for Big and Little based on Weibull Plotting Function")

Now we have something, the gold line looks different in a probabilistic sense than the blue line except in the extreme part of the diagram, so the mean velocity is smaller on small watersheds, but such watersheds are quite capable of generating high velocities on rare occasion.

Lets log transform the results and look again - it does not change anything, but will highlight differences.

In [13]:
import math
def loggit(x):  # A prototype function to log transform x

big1s = numpy.array(dataBig['V'].apply(loggit).tolist())
little1s = numpy.array(dataLittle['V'].apply(loggit).tolist())

#Apply the weibull pp function
big1s_wei = weibull_pp(big1s)
little1s_wei = weibull_pp(little1s)

myfigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize = (4,8)) # generate a object from the figure class, set aspect ratio
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(big1s_wei, big1s ,color ='blue')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(little1s_wei, little1s ,color ='orange')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Density or Quantile Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Velocity Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.title("Quantile Plot for Big and Little based on Weibull Plotting Function")

In log space we see even more of a difference. Next lesson we will learn about "hypothesis" tests where we can test if the differences are big enough to be meaningful, or are just a chance occurance.

Now let's play the same game with discharge, the product of velocity and area.

In [14]:
dataBig = data[data['CDA'] >= 300][['STATION','CDA','Q']]
dataLittle = data[data['CDA'] < 300][['STATION','CDA','Q']]
            STATION           CDA              Q
count  5.628300e+04  56283.000000   56283.000000
mean   8.004816e+06   5280.254819    1977.027973
std    3.003822e+05   7971.520408    7414.118928
min    7.227500e+06    303.000000       0.001000
25%    8.044000e+06    585.000000      18.400000
50%    8.104500e+06   1321.000000     105.000000
75%    8.167800e+06   5228.000000     809.000000
max    8.447020e+06  41412.000000  268600.000000
            STATION           CDA             Q
count  3.087700e+04  30877.000000  30877.000000
mean   8.080290e+06    131.221109    323.555423
std    1.713293e+05     84.080353   1809.059303
min    7.227920e+06      2.310000      0.001000
25%    8.066200e+06     63.300000      2.400000
50%    8.095400e+06    120.000000     13.700000
75%    8.164503e+06    206.000000     66.200000
max    8.431700e+06    299.000000  71300.000000
In [15]:
# make a couple of dataframes
set1 = dataBig['Q']
set2 = dataLittle['Q']
# use subplots
fig, axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(1, 2)
axes[0].set_title('Discharge: Big Watersheds') 
axes[1].set_title('Discharge: Little Watersheds')
# here we build the plots - notice the ax variable
set1.hist( bins=100, rwidth=1, color='blue', density=True, ax=axes[0],figsize = (8,4))
set2.hist( bins=100, rwidth=1, color='red', density=True, ax=axes[1],figsize = (8,4))
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Discharge: Little Watersheds'}>
In [16]:
big1s = numpy.array(dataBig['Q'])
little1s = numpy.array(dataLittle['Q'])
In [17]:
#Apply the weibull pp function
big1s_wei = weibull_pp(big1s)
little1s_wei = weibull_pp(little1s)
In [18]:
myfigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize = (8,8)) # generate a object from the figure class, set aspect ratio
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(big1s_wei, big1s ,color ='blue')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(little1s_wei, little1s ,color ='orange')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Density or Quantile Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Discharge Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.title("Quantile Plot for Big and Little based on Weibull Plotting Function")

Here we see some difference - but would be hard to quantify meaningfully, lets repeat in log space. We will log transform the values and reanalyze.

In [19]:
import math
def loggit(x):  # A prototype function to log transform x

big1s = numpy.array(dataBig['Q'].apply(loggit).tolist())
little1s = numpy.array(dataLittle['Q'].apply(loggit).tolist())
In [20]:
#Apply the weibull pp function
big1s_wei = weibull_pp(big1s)
little1s_wei = weibull_pp(little1s)
In [21]:
myfigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize = (8,8)) # generate a object from the figure class, set aspect ratio
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(big1s_wei, big1s ,color ='blue')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(little1s_wei, little1s ,color ='orange')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Density or Quantile Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Discharge Value") 
matplotlib.pyplot.title("Quantile Plot for Big and Little based on Weibull Plotting Function")

Are they different enough?

In these cases, yes (at least for the mean value), we will learn methods next time to test for more subtle differences - in the general field called hypothesis tests.

In [ ]: