In [2]:
import sys
! hostname
! whoami
3.8.3 (default, Jul  2 2020, 16:21:59) 
[GCC 7.3.0]
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=3, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
In [ ]:

Demonstrate for loop

In [3]:
# sum numbers from 1 to n
howmany = int(input('Enter N'))
accumulator = 0.0
for i in range(1,howmany+1,1):
    accumulator = accumulator + float(i)
print( 'Sum from 1 to ',howmany, 'is %.3f' % accumulator  )
Sum from 1 to  5 is 15.000
In [4]:
# sum even numbers from 1 to n
howmany = int(input('Enter N'))
accumulator = 0.0
for i in range(1,howmany+1,1):
    if i%2 == 0:
        accumulator = accumulator + float(i)
print( 'Sum of Evens from 1 to ',howmany, 'is %.3f' % accumulator  )
Sum of Evens from 1 to  5 is 6.000
In [5]:
howmany = int(input('Enter N'))
for i in range(1,howmany+1,1):
    linetoprint=linetoprint + '*'

Demonstrate while loop

In [6]:
# sum numbers from 1 to n
howmany = int(input('Enter N'))
accumulator = 0.0
counter = 1
while counter <= howmany:
    accumulator = accumulator + float(counter)
    counter += 1
print( 'Sum from 1 to ',howmany, 'is %.3f' % accumulator  )
Sum from 1 to  6 is 21.000
In [7]:
# sum even numbers from 1 to n
howmany = int(input('Enter N'))
accumulator = 0.0
counter = 1
while counter <= howmany:
    if counter%2 == 0:
        accumulator = accumulator + float(counter)
    counter += 1
print( 'Sum of Evens 1 to ',howmany, 'is %.3f' % accumulator  )
Sum of Evens 1 to  6 is 12.000
In [8]:
howmany = int(input('Enter N'))
counter = 1
while counter <= howmany:
    linetoprint=linetoprint + '*'
    counter += 1
In [ ]: