1. The Dataset (20 points)

Our dataset is a table of songs, each with a name, an artist, and a genre. For each song, we also know how frequently certain words occur in that song. More precisely, we have a list of approximately 5000 words. For each of these words, for each song, each item in the table describes the proportion of the song's lyrics that are the particular word.

For example, the lyrics of "In Your Eyes" is 168 words long. The word "like" appears twice: $\frac{2}{168} \approx 0.0119$ of the words in the song. Similarly, the word "love" appears 10 times: $\frac{10}{168} \approx 0.0595$ of the words.

Our dataset doesn't contain all information about a song. For example, it doesn't include the total number of words in each song, or information about the order of words in the song, let alone the melody, instruments, or rhythm. Nonetheless, you may find that word counts alone are sufficient to build an accurate genre classifier.

Run the cell below to read the lyrics table. It may take up to a minute to load.

In [80]:
import pandas as pd
In [81]:
df = pd.read_csv("lyrics_clean.csv")
Title Artist Genre i the you to and a me ... writer motivo bake insist wel santo pe gee colleg kad
0 Slicker Than Your Average Craig David Hip-hop 0.049536 0.017028 0.035604 0.020124 0.007740 0.006192 0.058824 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1 Right There MF Grimm Hip-hop 0.037825 0.054374 0.023641 0.049645 0.009456 0.016548 0.018913 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
2 Talkin' All That Cashis Hip-hop 0.056738 0.049645 0.051418 0.010638 0.026596 0.033688 0.007092 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
3 It Only Hurts Me When I Cry Raul Malo Country 0.096491 0.074561 0.030702 0.017544 0.026316 0.017544 0.021930 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
4 Is It Too Late Now Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs Country 0.043902 0.000000 0.073171 0.019512 0.000000 0.014634 0.034146 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

5 rows × 4979 columns

Question 1.1: Print the number of rows and columns in the dataset

In [90]:
print("Row count is:", df.shape[0])
Row count is: 1721
In [91]:
print("Column count is:", df.shape[1])
Column count is: 4979

Question 1.2: Find the proportion of the word like in the song In Your Eyes

In [12]:
in_your_eye_data = df[df["Title"] == 'In Your Eyes']
Title Artist Genre i the you to and a me ... writer motivo bake insist wel santo pe gee colleg kad
1677 In Your Eyes Alison Krauss Country 0.107143 0.0 0.029762 0.0 0.035714 0.029762 0.035714 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

1 rows × 4979 columns

In [13]:
in_your_eye_data.at[1677, 'like']

Question 1.3: Set expected_row_sum to the number that you expect will result from summing all proportions in each row, excluding the first three columns.

In [ ]:
# Set row_sum to a number that's the (approximate) sum of each row of word proportions.
expected_row_sum = 1

Verify your answer by doing sum along the columns for each row

In [14]:
df.sum(axis=1, numeric_only=True)
0       1.0
1       1.0
2       1.0
3       1.0
4       1.0
1716    1.0
1717    1.0
1718    1.0
1719    1.0
1720    1.0
Length: 1721, dtype: float64

Word Stemming

The columns other than Title, Artist, and Genre in the lyrics table are all words that appear in some of the songs in our dataset. Some of those names have been stemmed, or abbreviated heuristically, in an attempt to make different inflected forms of the same base word into the same string. For example, the column "manag" is the sum of proportions of the words "manage", "manager", "managed", and "managerial" (and perhaps others) in each song.

Stemming makes it a little tricky to search for the words you want to use, so we have provided another dataframe that will let you see examples of unstemmed versions of each stemmed word. Run the code below to load it.

Question 1.4: Read the vocabulary from the given file mxm_reverse_mapping_safe.csv and store it into a variale vocab_mapping

In [97]:
vocab_mapping = pd.read_csv("mxm_reverse_mapping_safe.csv")
Stem Word
0 día día
1 pido pido
2 hatr hatred
3 pide pide
4 yellow yellow
... ... ...
4971 yell yell
4972 at at
4973 confess confess
4974 sincer sincere
4975 richard richard

4976 rows × 2 columns

Question 1.5: Compare if the number of stemmed words in the vocabulary is the same with one in the song lyrics dataset.

In [98]:
df.loc[:, 'i':].shape[1] ==  vocab_mapping.shape[0]

Question 1.6: Assign unchanged to the percentage of words in vocab_table that are the same as their stemmed form.

In [99]:
import numpy as np

row_count = vocab_mapping.shape[0]
In [100]:
unchanged = np.count_nonzero(vocab_mapping['Stem'] == vocab_mapping['Word']) / row_count

Question 1.7: Assign stemmed_message to the stemmed version of the word "message".

In [101]:
# Set stemmed_message to the stemmed version of "message" (which
# should be a string).  Use vocab_table.
stemmed_message = vocab_mapping[vocab_mapping["Word"]=='message']
Stem Word
4151 messag message
In [93]:
stemmed_message.loc[4151, "Stem"]

Question 1.8: Assign unstemmed_singl to the word in vocab_table that has "singl" as its stemmed form. (Note that multiple English words may stem to "singl", but only one example appears in vocab_table.)

In [102]:
# Set unstemmed_singl to the unstemmed version of "single" (which
# should be a string).
unstemmed_singl = vocab_mapping[vocab_mapping["Stem"]=='singl']
Stem Word
4254 singl single
In [95]:
unstemmed_singl.loc[4254, "Word"]

Question 1.9: What word in vocab_table was shortened the most by this stemming process? Assign most_shortened to the word. hint: function len(str) will return the length of the input string str. You will do a loop over rows of the vocabulary to compute the length of each word.

In [118]:
length_of_stems = []
length_of_words = []
for index, row in vocab_mapping.iterrows():
    st_length = len(row['Stem'])
    w_length = len(row['Word'])
vocab_mapping["Stem length"] = length_of_stems
vocab_mapping["Word length"] = length_of_words
Stem Word Stem length Word length Difference
0 día día 3 3 4
1 pido pido 4 4 3
2 hatr hatred 4 6 1
3 pide pide 4 4 3
4 yellow yellow 6 6 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
4971 yell yell 4 4 3
4972 at at 2 2 5
4973 confess confess 7 7 0
4974 sincer sincere 6 7 0
4975 richard richard 7 7 0

4976 rows × 5 columns

In [119]:
vocab_mapping["Difference"] = (vocab_mapping["Word length"] - vocab_mapping["Stem length"]).abs()
Stem Word Stem length Word length Difference
0 día día 3 3 0
1 pido pido 4 4 0
2 hatr hatred 4 6 2
3 pide pide 4 4 0
4 yellow yellow 6 6 0
... ... ... ... ... ...
4971 yell yell 4 4 0
4972 at at 2 2 0
4973 confess confess 7 7 0
4974 sincer sincere 6 7 1
4975 richard richard 7 7 0

4976 rows × 5 columns

In [120]:
In [121]:
vocab_mapping[vocab_mapping["Difference"] == vocab_mapping["Difference"].max()]
Stem Word Stem length Word length Difference
983 intern international 6 13 7

Splitting the dataset

We're going to use our lyrics dataset for three purposes. First, we want to train various song genre classifiers. Second, we want to validate which classifier is most effective. Finally, we want to test the performance of our final classifier. Hence, we need three different datasets: training, validation, and test.

The purpose of a classifier is to generalize to unseen data that is similar to the training data. Therefore, we must ensure that there are no songs that appear in two different sets. We do so by splitting the dataset randomly. The dataset has already been permuted randomly, so it's easy to split. We just take the top for training, the next part for validation, and the last for test.

Question 1.10: Split the data with the ratio 80% for training and 20% for testing.

In [204]:
# Here we have defined the proportion of our data
# that we want to designate for training as 11/16ths
# of our total dataset.  2/16ths of the data is
# reserved for validation.  The remaining 3/16ths
# will be used for testing.

training_proportion = 0.8
num_songs = lyrics.shape[0]

num_train = int(num_songs * training_proportion)
num_test = num_songs - num_train

print("Num song:", num_songs)

print("Num train:", num_train)
print("Num test:", num_test)
Num song: 1721
Num train: 1376
Num test: 345
In [205]:
train_lyrics = lyrics[:num_train]
test_lyrics = lyrics[num_train:]

print("Training: ", train_lyrics.shape[0], "; Test: ", test_lyrics.shape[0])
Training:  1376 ; Test:  345

Question 1.11: Draw a horizontal bar chart with three bars that shows the proportion of Country songs in each of the training and testing datasets.

In [141]:
training_country_song_count = train_lyrics[train_lyrics["Genre"] == "Country"].shape[0]
In [142]:
training_country_song_proportion = training_country_song_count / train_lyrics.shape[0]
In [143]:
test_country_song_count = test_lyrics[test_lyrics["Genre"] == "Country"].shape[0]
In [144]:
test_country_song_proportion = test_country_song_count / test_lyrics.shape[0]
In [145]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

datasets = ['Training', 'Test']
country_song_proportions = [training_country_song_proportion, test_country_song_proportion]

plt.barh(datasets, country_song_proportions)
plt.ylabel("Country song proportions")
plt.title("Country song proportion comparison")


2. K-Nearest Neighbors (20 points)

K-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) is a classification algorithm. Given some features of an unseen example, it decides whether that example belongs to one or the other of two categories based on its similarity to previously seen examples.

A feature we have about each song is the proportion of times a particular word appears in the lyrics, and the categories are two music genres: hip-hop and country. The algorithm requires many previously seen examples for which both the features and categories are known: that's the train_lyrics table.

We're going to visualize the algorithm, instead of just describing it. To get started, let's pick colors for the genres.

In [146]:
# Just run this cell to define genre_color.

def genre_color(genre):
    """Assign a color to each genre."""
    if genre == 'Country':
        return 'gold'
    elif genre == 'Hip-hop':
        return 'blue'
        return 'green'
In [147]:
In [148]:

Classifying a song

In k-NN, we classify a song by finding the k songs in the training set that are most similar according to the features we choose. We call those songs with similar features the "neighbors". The k-NN algorithm assigns the song to the most common category among its k neighbors.

Let's limit ourselves to just 2 features for now, so we can plot each song. The features we will use are the proportions of the words "like" and "love" in the lyrics. Taking the song "In Your Eyes" (in the test set), 0.0119 of its words are "like" and 0.0595 are "love". This song appears in the test set, so let's imagine that we don't yet know its genre.

First, we need to make our notion of similarity more precise. We will say that the dissimilarity, or distance between two songs is the straight-line distance between them when we plot their features in a scatter diagram. This distance is called the Euclidean ("yoo-KLID-ee-un") distance.

For example, in the song Insane in the Brain (in the training set), 0.0203 of all the words in the song are "like" and 0 are "love". Its distance from In Your Eyes on this 2-word feature set is $\sqrt{(0.0119 - 0.0203)^2 + (0.0595 - 0)^2} \approx 0.06$. (If we included more or different features, the distance could be different.)

A third song, Sangria Wine (in the training set), is 0.0044 "like" and 0.0925 "love".

Question 2.1: Define a function that creates a plot to display a test song and some training songs in a two-dimensional space defined by two features. Utilize the function to visualize the songs In Your Eyes, Sangria Wine, and Insane in the Brain.

hint: the function has four arguments and it does not return anything but it plots the songs in 2D space:

  • test_song: has string datatype, is the name of a song
  • training_songs: has list datatype, is a list of songs
  • x_feature: has string datatype, is the name of a feature.
  • y_feature: has string datatype, is the name of another feature.
In [149]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_with_two_features(test_song, training_songs, x_feature, y_feature):
    """Plot a test song and training songs using two features."""
    like_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == test_song, "like"].values[0]
    love_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == test_song, "love"].values[0]
    genre = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == test_song, "Genre"].values[0]
    shown_color = genre_color(genre)
    plt.scatter(x=like_prob, y=love_prob, color=shown_color, s=200, alpha=0.4)
    # plot for training data
    for song in training_songs:
        like_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == song, "like"].values[0]
        love_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == song, "love"].values[0]
        genre = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == song, "Genre"].values[0]
        shown_color = genre_color(genre)
        plt.scatter(x=like_prob, y=love_prob, color=shown_color, s=200)
In [150]:
training = ["Sangria Wine", "Insane In The Brain"]
test_song = "In Your Eyes"
plot_with_two_features(test_song, training, "like", "love")

Question 2.2: Utilize the plot_with_two_features function and plot the positions of the three songs Sangria Wine, Lookin' for Love, Insane In The Brain together with the song In Your Eyes. Which one is closer to In Your Eyes and what is its genre?

In [153]:
training = ["Sangria Wine", "Lookin' for Love",  "Insane In The Brain"]
plot_with_two_features("In Your Eyes", training, "like", "love")

Anser: Lookin' for Love is cloest to In Your Eyes and they both have the same genre country

Question 2.3. Complete the function distance_two_features that computes the Euclidean distance between any two songs, using two features. Utilize the function distance_two_features to show that Lookin' for Love is closer to In Your Eyes than Insane In The Brain.

In [154]:
import math as m

def distance_two_features(title0, title1, x_feature, y_feature):
    """Compute the distance between two songs, represented as rows."""
    x1_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == title0, x_feature].values[0]
    y1_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == title0, y_feature].values[0]

    x2_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == title1, x_feature].values[0]
    y2_prob = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == title1, y_feature].values[0]
    distance = m.sqrt( (x1_prob-x2_prob)**2 + (y1_prob-y2_prob)**2 )
    return distance
In [155]:
for song in ["Lookin' for Love", "Insane In The Brain"]:
    song_distance = distance_two_features(song, "In Your Eyes", "like", "love")
    print(song, 'distance:\t', song_distance)
Lookin' for Love distance:	 0.017854025951587398
Insane In The Brain distance:	 0.060108782340654685

The nearest neighbor to a song is the example in the training set that has the smallest distance from that song.

Question 2.4. What are the names and genres of the 7 closest songs to "In Your Eyes" in train_lyrics, by Euclidean distance for the 2 features "like" and "love"? To answer this question, make a dataframe named close_songs containing those 7 songs with columns "Title", "Artist", "Genre", "like", and "love" from the lyrics dataframe, as well as a column called distance that contains the distance from "In Your Eyes" sorted in ascending order.

In [156]:
like_love = train_lyrics[["Title", "Artist", "Genre", "like", "love"]]
close_songs = like_love.copy()

distances = []
for index, row in close_songs.iterrows():
    distance_to_in_your_eyes = distance_two_features(row['Title'], "In Your Eyes", "like", 'love')
#     break
close_songs["Distance"] = distances

close_songs = close_songs.nsmallest(7, 'Distance')
Title Artist Genre like love Distance
565 In Your Eyes Alison Krauss Country 0.011905 0.059524 0.000000
412 Dear Life Anthony Hamilton Hip-hop 0.009132 0.054795 0.005482
477 If This Isn't Love Jennifer Hudson Hip-hop 0.008869 0.053215 0.007001
896 Southern Loving Jim Ed Brown & The Browns Country 0.004237 0.063559 0.008665
73 My Maria B.W. Stevenson Country 0.005917 0.053254 0.008669
627 Love Come Down Evelyn Champagne" King" Hip-hop 0.000000 0.059471 0.011905
262 Big Red Rocket Of Love Reverend Horton Heat Hip-hop 0.000000 0.057692 0.012045

Question 2.5 . Find the most common value in the column Genre of the dataframe close_songs. In case of a tie, it can return any of the most common values.

In [159]:

Congratulations are in order -- you've classified your first song!

3. Features (20 points)

Now, we're going to extend our classifier to consider more than two features at a time.

Euclidean distance still makes sense with more than two features. For n different features, we compute the difference between corresponding feature values for two songs, square each of the n differences, sum up the resulting numbers, and take the square root of the sum.

Question 3.1

Write a function to compute the Euclidean distance between two arrays of features of arbitrary (but equal) length. Use it to compute the distance between the first song in the training set and the first song in the test set, using all of the features. (Remember that the title, artist, and genre of the songs are not features.)

Hint: The function has two arguments which are two arrays representing the two lists of features:

In [160]:
import numpy as np

def distance(features1, features2):
    """The Euclidean distance between two arrays of feature values."""
    abs_diff = np.abs(features1 - features2)
    squared = np.square(abs_diff)
    sum_squared = np.sum(squared)
    return np.sqrt(sum_squared)
In [161]:
first_song_features = train_lyrics.loc[0, 'i':].values
array([0.0, 0.01408451, 0.04694836, ..., 0.0, 0.0, 0], dtype=object)
In [165]:
second_song_features = test_lyrics.loc[num_train, 'i':].values
array([0.055, 0.005, 0.03, ..., 0.0, 0.0, 0], dtype=object)
In [166]:
distance_first_to_first = distance(first_song_features, second_song_features)

Creating your own feature set

Unfortunately, using all of the features has some downsides. One clear downside is computational -- computing Euclidean distances just takes a long time when we have lots of features. You might have noticed that in the last question!

So we're going to select just 20. We'd like to choose features that are very discriminative. That is, features which lead us to correctly classify as much of the test set as possible. This process of choosing features that will make a classifier work well is sometimes called feature selection, or more broadly feature engineering.

Question 3.2

Look through the list of features (the labels of the lyrics table after the first three). Choose 20 common words that you think might let you distinguish between country and hip-hop songs. Make sure to choose words that are frequent enough that every song contains at least one of them. Don't just choose the 20 most frequent, though... you can do much better.

The first time you answer this question, spend some time looking through the features, but not more than 15 minutes.

In [ ]:

Question 3.3

In two sentences or less, describe how you selected your features.

In [ ]:

Question 3.4

Use the distance function developed above to compute the distance from the first song in the test set to all the songs in the training set, using your set of 20 features. Make a new dataframe called genre_and_distances with one row for each song in the training set and two columns:

  • The "Genre" of the training song
  • The "Distance" from the first song in the test set

Ensure that genre_and_distances is sorted in increasing order by distance to the first test song.

Note: The asnwer below selected first 20 features

In [177]:
feature_labels = test_lyrics.columns[3:23].values
array(['i', 'the', 'you', 'to', 'and', 'a', 'me', 'it', 'not', 'in', 'my',
       'is', 'of', 'your', 'that', 'do', 'on', 'are', 'we', 'am'],
In [179]:
test_song_features = test_lyrics.loc[num_train, feature_labels]
i       0.055
the     0.005
you      0.03
to      0.015
and      0.01
a       0.085
me      0.015
it          0
not     0.005
in      0.025
my      0.005
is      0.005
of       0.08
your     0.01
that     0.01
do          0
on          0
are         0
we          0
am      0.005
Name: 1376, dtype: object
In [180]:
test_song_features = test_lyrics.loc[num_train, feature_labels]

genre_and_distances = train_lyrics[["Genre"]].copy()
distances_to_test_song = []
for index, row in train_lyrics.iterrows():
    features = row.loc[feature_labels]
    the_distance = distance(test_song_features, features)
genre_and_distances["Distance"] = distances_to_test_song
genre_and_distances = genre_and_distances.sort_values(['Distance'], ascending=True)
Genre Distance
711 Country 0.070634
861 Hip-hop 0.074424
425 Country 0.077227
122 Country 0.082539
524 Hip-hop 0.083600
... ... ...
159 Country 0.236755
305 Country 0.239855
1138 Country 0.243413
337 Country 0.245815
982 Hip-hop 0.252071

1376 rows × 2 columns

Question 3.5

Now compute the 5-nearest neighbors classification of the first song in the test set. That is, decide on its genre by finding the most common genre among its 5 nearest neighbors, according to the distances you've calculated. Then check whether your classifier chose the right genre. (Depending on the features you chose, your classifier might not get this song right, and that's okay.)

In [182]:
genre_and_distances = genre_and_distances.nsmallest(5, "Distance")
Genre Distance
711 Country 0.070634
861 Hip-hop 0.074424
425 Country 0.077227
122 Country 0.082539
524 Hip-hop 0.083600
In [183]:

A classifier function

Now it's time to write a single function that encapsulates this whole process of classification.

Question 3.6. Write a function called classify. It should take the following arguments:

  • An array of features for a song to classify ,
  • A dataframe has similar structure of the original dataset,
  • k, the number of neighbors to use in classification.

It should return the class your classifier picks for the given row of features (e.g., 'Country' or 'Hip-hop'). Test if the function works by classifying the first song in the test set using k=5.

In [185]:
def classify(test_features, train_dataframe, k):
    """Return the most common class among k nearest neigbors to test_row."""
    feature_labels = train_dataframe.columns[3:23].values

    genre_and_distances = train_dataframe[["Genre"]].copy()
    distances_to_test_song = []
    for index, row in train_dataframe.iterrows():
        features = row.loc[feature_labels]
        the_distance = distance(test_features, features)
    genre_and_distances["Distance"] = distances_to_test_song
    genre_and_distances = genre_and_distances.nsmallest(k, "Distance")

    return genre_and_distances['Genre'].mode().values[0]
In [191]:
feature_labels = test_lyrics.columns[3:23].values
test_song_features = test_lyrics.loc[num_train, feature_labels]
i       0.055
the     0.005
you      0.03
to      0.015
and      0.01
a       0.085
me      0.015
it          0
not     0.005
in      0.025
my      0.005
is      0.005
of       0.08
your     0.01
that     0.01
do          0
on          0
are         0
we          0
am      0.005
Name: 1376, dtype: object
In [192]:
classify(test_song_features, train_lyrics, k=5)

Question 3.7. Assign grandpa_genre to the genre predicted by your classifier for the song "Grandpa Got Runned Over By A John Deere", using 9 neigbors.

In [200]:
feature_labels = test_lyrics.columns[3:23].values
test_song = lyrics.loc[lyrics["Title"] == "Grandpa Got Runned Over By A John Deere"]
Title Artist Genre i the you to and a me ... writer motivo bake insist wel santo pe gee colleg kad
124 Grandpa Got Runned Over By A John Deere Cledus T. Judd Country 0.015707 0.015707 0.010471 0.005236 0.036649 0.026178 0.010471 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

1 rows × 4979 columns

In [201]:
test_song_features = test_song.loc[124, feature_labels]
i       0.0157068
the     0.0157068
you     0.0104712
to      0.0052356
and     0.0366492
a        0.026178
me      0.0104712
it      0.0157068
not     0.0052356
in      0.0104712
my      0.0052356
is      0.0052356
of      0.0104712
your            0
that    0.0104712
do              0
on      0.0209424
are     0.0052356
we       0.026178
am              0
Name: 124, dtype: object
In [202]:
classify(test_song_features, train_lyrics, k=9)

Evaluating your classifier

Now that it's easy to use the classifier, let's see how accurate it is on the whole test set. But we will reduce the test set to 20 songs only to save computing power.

Question 3.8. Generate a new test set of 20 songs from your current test set

In [203]:
test_lyrics = test_lyrics.sample(20)
Title Artist Genre i the you to and a me ... writer motivo bake insist wel santo pe gee colleg kad
1509 Will You Miss Me The Notting Hillbillies Country 0.051282 0.051282 0.095238 0.003663 0.000000 0.032967 0.109890 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1503 Sista Big Bones Anthony Hamilton Hip-hop 0.062791 0.013953 0.062791 0.034884 0.011628 0.037209 0.002326 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1531 If You Only Knew Jurassic 5 Hip-hop 0.027027 0.045946 0.045946 0.029730 0.032432 0.013514 0.013514 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1668 I Found A Letter Allison Moorer Country 0.073684 0.031579 0.031579 0.021053 0.021053 0.021053 0.021053 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1660 Old Five And Dimers Like Me Jerry Jeff Walker Country 0.056962 0.006329 0.006329 0.025316 0.063291 0.006329 0.037975 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1483 Got Ur Self A... Nas Hip-hop 0.059055 0.043307 0.043307 0.011811 0.017060 0.047244 0.005249 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1431 Whatcha Wanna Do Mia X Hip-hop 0.007380 0.003690 0.000000 0.007380 0.029520 0.022140 0.029520 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1389 Way Back When Buck 65 Hip-hop 0.025974 0.012987 0.051948 0.038961 0.000000 0.012987 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1589 Thin Line Jurassic 5 Hip-hop 0.034884 0.032946 0.034884 0.019380 0.025194 0.029070 0.003876 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1395 Lady's Man Hank Snow Country 0.087786 0.034351 0.007634 0.015267 0.015267 0.049618 0.034351 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1481 Sawing on the Strings Alison Krauss Country 0.000000 0.125000 0.000000 0.043478 0.032609 0.032609 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1511 Alone Again Or Calexico Country 0.098485 0.022727 0.037879 0.022727 0.053030 0.015152 0.015152 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1471 Yessirree Allison Moorer Country 0.018692 0.046729 0.004673 0.023364 0.032710 0.032710 0.009346 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1418 Love The Way You Love Me The Pussycat Dolls Hip-hop 0.060729 0.034413 0.107287 0.008097 0.010121 0.008097 0.044534 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1717 Mind Blowin' Da Brat Hip-hop 0.027397 0.058219 0.029110 0.023973 0.041096 0.013699 0.008562 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1534 I Want To Be A Cowboy's Sweetheart Suzy Bogguss Country 0.097938 0.113402 0.000000 0.097938 0.020619 0.046392 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1604 Portrait of a Death Rapper Necro Hip-hop 0.019084 0.064885 0.064885 0.019084 0.011450 0.057252 0.000000 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1601 Nobody Loves Me Limp Bizkit Hip-hop 0.055363 0.055363 0.034602 0.006920 0.006920 0.010381 0.051903 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1377 I Don't Dance Compton's Most Wanted Hip-hop 0.057803 0.069364 0.017341 0.028902 0.034682 0.026012 0.005780 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
1540 Vedrai vedrai Luigi Tenco Country 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010101 0.030303 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

20 rows × 4979 columns

Question 3.9. Classify every song in the newly generated test set, then compute the proportion of correct classifications. (It may take some minutes to complete the classification of these 20 songs)

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At this point, you've gone through one cycle of classifier design. Let's summarize the steps:

  1. From available data, select test and training sets.
  2. Choose an algorithm you're going to use for classification.
  3. Identify some features.
  4. Define a classifier function using your features and the training set.
  5. Evaluate its performance (the proportion of correct classifications) on the test set.

4. Feature design (15 points)

One way to interpret the accuracy of a classifier is to compare it to another classifier.

Question 4.1. Below we've provided 10 features selected by the staff ["come", "do", "have", "heart", "make", "never", "now", "wanna", "with", "yo"]. Build a 5-nearest-neighbor classifier using these features and compute its accuracy on the test set.

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Question 4.2. Are the features you chose better or worse than the staff features at classifying the test set? Why do you think this is so?

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Question 4.3. Is there anything random about a classifier's accuracy measured in this way? Is it possible that the difference in classifier performance is due to chance? If so, describe (in 2-3 sentences) how you would investigate that.

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5. Computational thinking (15 points)

The following questions are answered via a video of no more than 5 minutes. Everybody must speak. You will provide the link to that video in the answer box.

Question 5.1: Specifically refer to some lines of code, or the thought processes that you made in all the above solutions to elaborate computational concepts which are used in solving the project.

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Question 5.2: How did you work as a team to complete the project?

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