ENGR 1330 Computational Thinking with Data Science

Last GitHub Commit Date: 14 February 2021

Lesson 8 The Pandas module

Special Script Blocks

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  1. To understand the dataframe abstraction as implemented in the Pandas library(module).
    1. To be able to access and manipulate data within a dataframe
    2. To be able to obtain basic statistical measures of data within a dataframe
  2. Read/Write from/to files
    1. MS Excel-type files (.xls,.xlsx,.csv) (LibreOffice files use the MS .xml standard)
    2. Ordinary ASCII (.txt) files
  3. Access files directly from a URL (advanced concept)
    1. Using a wget-type function
    2. Using a curl-type function
    3. Using API keys (future versions)


Pandas is the core library for dataframe manipulation in Python. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array object, and tools for working with these arrays. The library’s name is derived from the term ‘Panel Data’. If you are curious about Pandas, this cheat sheet is recommended: https://pandas.pydata.org/Pandas_Cheat_Sheet.pdf

Data Structure

The Primary data structure is called a dataframe. It is an abstraction where data are represented as a 2-dimensional mutable and heterogenous tabular data structure; much like a Worksheet in MS Excel. The structure itself is popular among statisticians and data scientists and business executives.

According to the marketing department "Pandas Provides rich data structures and functions designed to make working with data fast, easy, and expressive. It is useful in data manipulation, cleaning, and analysis; Pandas excels in performance and productivity "

The Dataframe

A data table is called a DataFrame in pandas (and other programming environments too). The figure below from https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/getting_started/index.html illustrates a dataframe model:

Each column and each row in a dataframe is called a series, the header row, and index column are special. Like MS Excel we can query the dataframe to find the contents of a particular cell using its row name and column name, or operate on entire rows and columns

To use pandas, we need to import the module.

Computational Thinking Concepts

The CT concepts expressed within Pandas include:

Module Set-Up

In principle, Pandas should be available in a default Anaconda install - You should not have to do any extra installation steps to install the library in Python - You do have to import the library in your scripts

How to check - Simply open a code cell and run import pandas if the notebook does not protest (i.e. pink block of error), the youis good to go.

import pandas

If you do get an error, that means that you will have to install using conda or pip; you are on-your-own here! On the content server the process is:

  1. Open a new terminal from the launcher
  2. Change to root user su then enter the root password
  3. sudo -H /opt/jupyterhib/bin/python3 -m pip install pandas
  4. Wait until the install is complete; for security, user compthink is not in the sudo group
  5. Verify the install by trying to execute import pandas as above.

The process above will be similar on a Macintosh, or Windows if you did not use an Anaconda distribution. Best is to have a sucessful anaconda install, or go to the GoodJobUntilMyOrgansGetHarvested.

If you have to do this kind of install, you will have to do some reading, some references I find useful are: 1. https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/extensions.html 2. https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/Note-How-To-Install-JupyterHub-on-a-Local-Server-1673/#InstallJupyterHub 3. https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation-guide-hard.html (This is the approach on the content server which has a functioning JupyterHub)

Dataframe-type Structure using primative python

First lets construct a dataframe like object using python primatives. We will construct 3 lists, one for row names, one for column names, and one for the content.

import numpy
mytabular = numpy.random.randint(1,100,(5,4))
myrowname = ['A','B','C','D','E']
mycolname = ['W','X','Y','Z']
mytable = [['' for jcol in range(len(mycolname)+1)] for irow in range(len(myrowname)+1)] #non-null destination matrix, note the implied loop construction

The above builds a placeholder named mytable for the psuedo-dataframe. Next we populate the table, using a for loop to write the column names in the first row, row names in the first column, and the table fill for the rest of the table.

for irow in range(1,len(myrowname)+1): # write the row names
for jcol in range(1,len(mycolname)+1): # write the column names
for irow in range(1,len(myrowname)+1): # fill the table (note the nested loop)
    for jcol in range(1,len(mycolname)+1):

Now lets print the table out by row and we see we have a very dataframe-like structure

for irow in range(0,len(myrowname)+1):
['', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
['A', 3, 78, 15, 62]
['B', 82, 5, 27, 80]
['C', 36, 35, 63, 30]
['D', 88, 77, 55, 74]
['E', 9, 86, 44, 87]

We can also query by row

['C', 36, 35, 63, 30]

Or by column

for irow in range(0,len(myrowname)+1):  #cannot use implied loop in a column slice

Or by row+column index; sort of looks like a spreadsheet syntax.

print(' ',mytable[0][3])
C 63

Now we shall create a proper dataframe

We will now do the same using pandas

mydf = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randint(1,100,(5,4)), ['A','B','C','D','E'], ['W','X','Y','Z'])
A 33 46 69 49
B 65 66 90 24
C 91 63 19 69
D 83 24 96 95
E 75 23 71 74

We can also turn our table into a dataframe, notice how the constructor adds header row and index column

mydf1 = pandas.DataFrame(mytable)
0 1 2 3 4
0 W X Y Z
1 A 3 78 15 62
2 B 82 5 27 80
3 C 36 35 63 30
4 D 88 77 55 74
5 E 9 86 44 87

To get proper behavior, we can just reuse our original objects

mydf2 = pandas.DataFrame(mytabular,myrowname,mycolname)
A 3 78 15 62
B 82 5 27 80
C 36 35 63 30
D 88 77 55 74
E 9 86 44 87

Why are mydf and mydf2 different?

Getting the shape of dataframes

The shape method, which is available after the dataframe is constructed, will return the row and column rank (count) of a dataframe.

(5, 4)
(6, 5)
(5, 4)

Appending new columns

To append a column simply assign a value to a new column name to the dataframe

mydf['new']= 'NA'
W X Y Z new
A 33 46 69 49 NA
B 65 66 90 24 NA
C 91 63 19 69 NA
D 83 24 96 95 NA
E 75 23 71 74 NA

Appending new rows

This is sometimes a bit trickier but here is one way: - create a copy of a row, give it a new name. - concatenate it back into the dataframe.

newrow = mydf.loc[['E']].rename(index={"E": "X"}) # create a single row, rename the index
newtable = pandas.concat([mydf,newrow]) # concatenate the row to bottom of df - note the syntax
W X Y Z new
A 33 46 69 49 NA
B 65 66 90 24 NA
C 91 63 19 69 NA
D 83 24 96 95 NA
E 75 23 71 74 NA
X 75 23 71 74 NA

Removing Rows and Columns

To remove a column is straightforward, we use the drop method

newtable.drop('new', axis=1, inplace = True)
A 33 46 69 49
B 65 66 90 24
C 91 63 19 69
D 83 24 96 95
E 75 23 71 74
X 75 23 71 74

To remove a row, you really got to want to, easiest is probablty to create a new dataframe with the row removed

newtable = newtable.loc[['A','B','D','E','X']] # select all rows except C
A 33 46 69 49
B 65 66 90 24
D 83 24 96 95
E 75 23 71 74
X 75 23 71 74
# or just use drop with axis specify
newtable.drop('X', axis=0, inplace = True)
A 33 46 69 49
B 65 66 90 24
D 83 24 96 95
E 75 23 71 74


We have already been indexing, but a few examples follow:

newtable['X'] #Selecing a single column
A    46
B    66
D    24
E    23
Name: X, dtype: int64
newtable[['X','W']] #Selecing a multiple columns
A 46 33
B 66 65
D 24 83
E 23 75
newtable.loc['E'] #Selecing rows based on label via loc[ ] indexer
W    75
X    23
Y    71
Z    74
Name: E, dtype: int64

A 33 46 69 49
B 65 66 90 24
D 83 24 96 95
E 75 23 71 74
newtable.loc[['E','D','B']] #Selecing multiple rows based on label via loc[ ] indexer
E 75 23 71 74
D 83 24 96 95
B 65 66 90 24
newtable.loc[['B','E','D'],['X','Y']] #Selecting elements via both rows and columns via loc[ ] indexer
B 66 90
E 23 71
D 24 96

Conditional Selection

mydf = pandas.DataFrame({'col1':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
col1 col2 col3
0 1 444 orange
1 2 555 apple
2 3 666 grape
3 4 444 mango
4 5 666 jackfruit
5 6 111 watermelon
6 7 222 banana
7 8 222 peach
#What fruit corresponds to the number 555 in ‘col2’?

1    apple
Name: col3, dtype: object
#What fruit corresponds to the minimum number in ‘col2’?

5    watermelon
Name: col3, dtype: object

Descriptor Functions

#Creating a dataframe from a dictionary

mydf = pandas.DataFrame({'col1':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
col1 col2 col3
0 1 444 orange
1 2 555 apple
2 3 666 grape
3 4 444 mango
4 5 666 jackfruit
5 6 111 watermelon
6 7 222 banana
7 8 222 peach

head method

Returns the first few rows, useful to infer structure

#Returns only the first five rows

col1 col2 col3
0 1 444 orange
1 2 555 apple
2 3 666 grape
3 4 444 mango
4 5 666 jackfruit

info method

Returns the data model (data column count, names, data types)

#Info about the dataframe

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 8 entries, 0 to 7
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------  --------------  ----- 
 0   col1    8 non-null      int64 
 1   col2    8 non-null      int64 
 2   col3    8 non-null      object
dtypes: int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 320.0+ bytes

describe method

Returns summary statistics of each numeric column.
Also returns the minimum and maximum value in each column, and the IQR (Interquartile Range).
Again useful to understand structure of the columns.

#Statistics of the dataframe

col1 col2
count 8.00000 8.0000
mean 4.50000 416.2500
std 2.44949 211.8576
min 1.00000 111.0000
25% 2.75000 222.0000
50% 4.50000 444.0000
75% 6.25000 582.7500
max 8.00000 666.0000

Counting and Sum methods

There are also methods for counts and sums by specific columns

mydf['col2'].sum() #Sum of a specified column

The unique method returns a list of unique values (filters out duplicates in the list, underlying dataframe is preserved)

mydf['col2'].unique() #Returns the list of unique values along the indexed column 
array([444, 555, 666, 111, 222])

The nunique method returns a count of unique values

mydf['col2'].nunique() #Returns the total number of unique values along the indexed column 

The value_counts() method returns the count of each unique value (kind of like a histogram, but each value is the bin)

mydf['col2'].value_counts()  #Returns the number of occurences of each unique value
666    2
444    2
222    2
555    1
111    1
Name: col2, dtype: int64

Using functions in dataframes - symbolic apply

The power of Pandas is an ability to apply a function to each element of a dataframe series (or a whole frame) by a technique called symbolic (or synthetic programming) application of the function.

This employs principles of pattern matching, abstraction, and algorithm development; a holy trinity of Computational Thinning.

It's somewhat complicated but quite handy, best shown by an example:

def times2(x):  # A prototype function to scalar multiply an object x by 2

print('Apply the times2 function to col2')
mydf['col2'].apply(times2) #Symbolic apply the function to each element of column col2, result is another dataframe
   col1  col2        col3
0     1   444      orange
1     2   555       apple
2     3   666       grape
3     4   444       mango
4     5   666   jackfruit
5     6   111  watermelon
6     7   222      banana
7     8   222       peach
Apply the times2 function to col2

0     888
1    1110
2    1332
3     888
4    1332
5     222
6     444
7     444
Name: col2, dtype: int64


mydf.sort_values('col2', ascending = True) #Sorting based on columns 
col1 col2 col3
5 6 111 watermelon
6 7 222 banana
7 8 222 peach
0 1 444 orange
3 4 444 mango
1 2 555 apple
2 3 666 grape
4 5 666 jackfruit
mydf.sort_values('col3', ascending = True) #Lexiographic sort
col1 col2 col3
1 2 555 apple
6 7 222 banana
2 3 666 grape
4 5 666 jackfruit
3 4 444 mango
0 1 444 orange
7 8 222 peach
5 6 111 watermelon

Aggregating (Grouping Values) dataframe contents

#Creating a dataframe from a dictionary

data = {
    'key' : ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
    'data1' : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    'data2' : [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
    'data3' : [20, 21, 22, 13, 24, 25]

mydf1 = pandas.DataFrame(data)
key data1 data2 data3
0 A 1 10 20
1 B 2 11 21
2 C 3 12 22
3 A 4 13 13
4 B 5 14 24
5 C 6 15 25
# Grouping and summing values in all the columns based on the column 'key'

data1 data2 data3
A 5 23 33
B 7 25 45
C 9 27 47
# Grouping and summing values in the selected columns based on the column 'key'

mydf1.groupby('key')[['data1', 'data2']].sum()
data1 data2
A 5 23
B 7 25
C 9 27

Filtering out missing values

Filtering and cleaning are often used to describe the process where data that does not support a narrative is removed ;typically for maintenance of profit applications, if the data are actually missing that is common situation where cleaning is justified.

#Creating a dataframe from a dictionary

df = pandas.DataFrame({'col1':[1,2,3,4,None,6,7,None],
col1 col2 col3
0 1.0 444.0 orange
1 2.0 555.0 apple
2 3.0 NaN grape
3 4.0 444.0 mango
4 NaN 666.0 jackfruit
5 6.0 111.0 watermelon
6 7.0 NaN banana
7 NaN 222.0 peach

Below we drop any row that contains a NaN code.

df_dropped = df.dropna()
col1 col2 col3
0 1.0 444.0 orange
1 2.0 555.0 apple
3 4.0 444.0 mango
5 6.0 111.0 watermelon

Below we replace NaN codes with some value, in this case 0

df_filled1 = df.fillna(0)
col1 col2 col3
0 1.0 444.0 orange
1 2.0 555.0 apple
2 3.0 0.0 grape
3 4.0 444.0 mango
4 0.0 666.0 jackfruit
5 6.0 111.0 watermelon
6 7.0 0.0 banana
7 0.0 222.0 peach

Below we replace NaN codes with some value, in this case the mean value of of the column in which the missing value code resides.

df_filled2 = df.fillna(df.mean())
col1 col2 col3
0 1.000000 444.0 orange
1 2.000000 555.0 apple
2 3.000000 407.0 grape
3 4.000000 444.0 mango
4 3.833333 666.0 jackfruit
5 6.000000 111.0 watermelon
6 7.000000 407.0 banana
7 3.833333 222.0 peach

Reading a File into a Dataframe

Pandas has methods to read common file types, such as csv,xlsx, and json.
Ordinary text files are also quite manageable.

On a machine you control you can write script to retrieve files from the internet and process them.

readfilecsv = pandas.read_csv('CSV_ReadingFile.csv')  #Reading a .csv file
    a   b   c   d
0   0   1   2   3
1   4   5   6   7
2   8   9  10  11
3  12  13  14  15

Similar to reading and writing .csv files, you can also read and write .xslx files as below (useful to know this)

readfileexcel = pandas.read_excel('Excel_ReadingFile.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1') #Reading a .xlsx file
   Unnamed: 0   a   b   c   d
0           0   0   1   2   3
1           1   4   5   6   7
2           2   8   9  10  11
3           3  12  13  14  15

Writing a dataframe to file

#Creating and writing to a .csv file
readfilecsv = pandas.read_csv('CSV_ReadingFile.csv')
readfilecsv = pandas.read_csv('CSV_WritingFile1.csv')
   Unnamed: 0   a   b   c   d
0           0   0   1   2   3
1           1   4   5   6   7
2           2   8   9  10  11
3           3  12  13  14  15
#Creating and writing to a .csv file by excluding row labels 
readfilecsv = pandas.read_csv('CSV_ReadingFile.csv')
readfilecsv.to_csv('CSV_WritingFile2.csv', index = False)
readfilecsv = pandas.read_csv('CSV_WritingFile2.csv')
    a   b   c   d
0   0   1   2   3
1   4   5   6   7
2   8   9  10  11
3  12  13  14  15
#Creating and writing to a .xlsx file
readfileexcel = pandas.read_excel('Excel_ReadingFile.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')
readfileexcel.to_excel('Excel_WritingFile.xlsx', sheet_name='MySheet', index = False)
readfileexcel = pandas.read_excel('Excel_WritingFile.xlsx', sheet_name='MySheet')
   Unnamed: 0   a   b   c   d
0           0   0   1   2   3
1           1   4   5   6   7
2           2   8   9  10  11
3           3  12  13  14  15

Downloading files from websites (optional)

This section shows how to get files from a remote computer. There are several ways to get the files, most importantly you need the FQDN to the file.

Method 1: Get data from a file on a remote server (unencrypted)

This section shows how to obtain data files from public URLs.


Web Developer Notes

If you want to distribute files (web developers) the files need to be in the server webroot, but can be deep into the heirarchial structure.

Here we will do an example with a file that contains topographic data in XYZ format, without header information.

The first few lines of the remote file look like:

74.90959724 93.21251922 0
75.17907367 64.40278759 0
94.9935575  93.07951286 0
95.26234119 64.60091165 0
54.04976655 64.21159095 0
54.52914363 35.06934342 0
75.44993558 34.93079513 0
75.09317373 5.462959114 0
74.87357468 10.43130083 0
74.86249082 15.72938748 0

And importantly it is tab delimited.

The module to manipulate url in python is called urllib

Google search to learn more, here we are using only a small component without exception trapping.

#Step 1: import needed modules to interact with the internet
from urllib.request import urlopen # import a method that will connect to a url and read file contents
import pandas #import pandas

This next code fragment sets a string called remote_url; it is just a variable, name can be anything that honors python naming rules. Then the urllib function urlopen with read and decode methods is employed, the result is stored in an object named elevationXYZ

#Step 2: make the connection to the remote file (actually its implementing "bash curl -O http://fqdn/path ...")
remote_url = 'http://www.rtfmps.com/share_files/pip-corner-sumps.txt' # 
elevationXYZ = urlopen(remote_url).read().decode().split() # Gets the file contents as a single vector, comma delimited, file is not retained locally

At this point the object exists as a single vector with hundreds of elements. We now need to structure the content. Here using python primatives, and knowing how the data are supposed to look, we prepare variables to recieve the structured results

#Step 3 Python primatives to structure the data, or use fancy modules (probably easy in numpy)
howmany = len(elevationXYZ) # how long is the vector?
nrow = int(howmany/3)
xyz = [[0 for j in range(3)] for j in range(nrow)] # null space to receive data define columnX

Now that everything is ready, we can extract from the object the values we want into xyz

#Step4 Now will build xyz as a matrix with 3 columns
index = 0
for irow in range(0,nrow):
    index += 3 #increment the index

xyz is now a 3-column float array and can now probably be treated as a data frame. Here we use a pandas method to build the dataframe.

df = pandas.DataFrame(xyz)

Get some info, yep three columns (ordered triples to be precise!)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 774 entries, 0 to 773
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------  --------------  -----  
 0   0       774 non-null    float64
 1   1       774 non-null    float64
 2   2       774 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(3)
memory usage: 18.3 KB

And some summary statistics (meaningless for these data), but now have taken data from the internet and prepared it for analysis.

0 1 2
count 774.000000 774.000000 774.000000
mean 52.064621 48.770060 2.364341
std 30.883400 32.886277 1.497413
min -2.113554 -11.360960 0.000000
25% 25.640786 21.809579 2.000000
50% 55.795821 49.059950 2.000000
75% 76.752290 75.015933 4.000000
max 111.726727 115.123931 4.000000

And lets look at the first few rows

0 1 2
0 74.909597 93.212519 0.0
1 75.179074 64.402788 0.0
2 94.993557 93.079513 0.0
3 95.262341 64.600912 0.0
4 54.049767 64.211591 0.0

Method 2: Get the actual file from a remote web server (unencrypted)

We will need a module to interface with the remote server, in this example lets use something different than urllib. Here we will use requests , so first we load the module

import requests # Module to process http/https requests

Now we will generate a GET request to the remote http server. I chose to do so using a variable to store the remote URL so I can reuse code in future projects. The GET request (an http/https method) is generated with the requests method get and assigned to an object named rget -- the name is arbitrary. Next we extract the file from the rget object and write it to a local file with the name of the remote file - esentially automating the download process. Then we import the pandas module.

remote_url=""  # set the url
rget = requests.get(remote_url, allow_redirects=True)  # get the remote resource, follow imbedded links
open('all_quads_gross_evaporation.csv','wb').write(rget.content) # extract from the remote the contents, assign to a local file same name
import pandas as pd # Module to process dataframes (not absolutely needed but somewhat easier than using primatives, and gives graphing tools)
# verify file exists
! pwd
! ls -la
total 1268
drwxrwxr-x 4 compthink compthink   4096 Feb 15 01:30 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 compthink compthink   4096 Feb 10 02:50 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 compthink compthink   4096 Feb 15 01:12 .ipynb_checkpoints
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink  21150 Feb 14 21:07 01-table-dataframe.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink     51 Feb 14 23:00 CSV_ReadingFile.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink     55 Feb 14 23:12 CSV_WritingFile1.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink     46 Feb 14 23:12 CSV_WritingFile2.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink 693687 Feb 15 01:12 ENGR-1330-Lesson8-Dev.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink 164919 Feb 15 01:30 ENGR-1330-Lesson8-Dev.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink   5508 Feb 14 23:01 Excel_ReadingFile.xlsx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink   5042 Feb 14 23:12 Excel_WritingFile.xlsx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 compthink compthink 363498 Feb 15 01:30 all_quads_gross_evaporation.csv
drwxrwxr-x 3 compthink compthink   4096 Feb 15 01:12 src.old

Now we can read the file contents and check its structure, before proceeding.

evapdf = pd.read_csv("all_quads_gross_evaporation.csv",parse_dates=["YYYY-MM"]) # Read the file as a .CSV assign to a dataframe evapdf
evapdf.head() # check structure
YYYY-MM 104 105 106 107 108 204 205 206 207 ... 911 912 1008 1009 1010 1011 1108 1109 1110 1210
0 1954-01-01 1.80 1.80 2.02 2.24 2.24 2.34 1.89 1.80 1.99 ... 1.42 1.30 2.50 2.42 1.94 1.29 2.59 2.49 2.22 2.27
1 1954-02-01 4.27 4.27 4.13 3.98 3.90 4.18 4.26 4.27 4.26 ... 2.59 2.51 4.71 4.30 3.84 2.50 5.07 4.62 4.05 4.18
2 1954-03-01 4.98 4.98 4.62 4.25 4.20 5.01 4.98 4.98 4.68 ... 3.21 3.21 6.21 6.06 5.02 3.21 6.32 6.20 5.68 5.70
3 1954-04-01 6.09 5.94 5.94 6.07 5.27 6.31 5.98 5.89 5.72 ... 3.83 3.54 6.45 6.25 4.92 3.54 6.59 6.44 5.88 5.95
4 1954-05-01 5.41 5.09 5.14 4.40 3.61 5.57 4.56 4.47 4.18 ... 3.48 3.97 7.92 8.13 6.31 3.99 7.75 7.98 7.40 7.40

5 rows × 93 columns

Structure looks like a spreadsheet as expected; lets plot the time series for cell '911'

evapdf.plot.line(x='YYYY-MM',y='911') # Plot quadrant 911 evaporation time series 


Method 3: Get the actual file from an encrypted server

This section is saved for future semesters


Overland, B. (2018). Python Without Fear. Addison-Wesley ISBN 978-0-13-468747-6.

Grus, Joel (2015). Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python O’Reilly Media. Kindle Edition.

Precord, C. (2010) wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook Packt Publishing Ltd. Birmingham , B27 6PA, UK ISBN 978-1-849511-78-0.

# Preamble script block to identify host, user, and kernel
import sys
! hostname
! whoami
3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40) 
[GCC 9.3.0]
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=5, releaselevel='final', serial=0)