Worksheet for CE 3361 Currilog Entry

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Item Value
Course Prefix CE
Old Course Number 4361
New Course Number 3361
Change Type Change course from senior level to junior level course number
Current Title Transportation Engineering
Change Title Transportation Engineering
Current Description Transportation modes; railway and airport runway design; basic design and analysis concepts of highway systems; transportation planning; traffic engineer-ing; intersection control; geometrics; pavement engineering.
Change Description Transportation modes; railway and airport runway design;basic design and analysis concepts of highway systems; transportation planning; traffic engineering; intersection control; geometrics; pavement engineering.
Credit Hours 3
Cip Code 14.0804.0006
Academic Justification Course relocated in curriculum so capstone course is not concurrent and students have design exposure in transportation for senior design project
Resource Justification current teaching resources are to be used, number change only


Syllabus Template at

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