Look up CIP codes here http://www.txhighereddata.org/Interactive/CIP/
Item | Value |
Course Prefix | CE |
Old Course Number | 4361 |
New Course Number | 3361 |
Change Type | Change course from senior level to junior level course number |
Current Title | Transportation Engineering |
Change Title | Transportation Engineering |
Current Description | Transportation modes; railway and airport runway design; basic design and analysis concepts of highway systems; transportation planning; traffic engineer-ing; intersection control; geometrics; pavement engineering. |
Change Description | Transportation modes; railway and airport runway design;basic design and analysis concepts of highway systems; transportation planning; traffic engineering; intersection control; geometrics; pavement engineering. |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Cip Code | 14.0804.0006 |
Academic Justification | Course relocated in curriculum so capstone course is not concurrent and students have design exposure in transportation for senior design project |
Resource Justification | current teaching resources are to be used, number change only |
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