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A 5ft x 5ft with a 45$^o$ beveled-edge entrance reinforced concrete box culvert is to be specified for a new roadway crossing to convey a 50-year peak discharge of 300 $\frac{ft^3}{sec}$. The site conditions include:
# sketch(s) here
# list known quantities/inputs
# list unknown quantities/outputs
# governing principles/algorithms used
# solution (step-by-step/computations)
# discussion
A culvert is to be specified for a new roadway crossing to convey a 25-year peak discharge of 200 $\frac{ft^3}{sec}$. A circular metal corrugated pipe culvert with standard 2-1/3 by 1/2 corrugations and beveled edges is to be considered. The site conditions include:
# sketch(s) here
# list known quantities/inputs
# list unknown quantities/outputs
# governing principles/algorithms used
# solution (step-by-step/computations)
# discussion