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CE 4353/5360 Design of Hydraulic Systems
Fall 2022 Exercise Set 9



Purpose :

Apply principles of gradually varied flow to open channel analysis and design

Assessment Criteria :

Completion, results plausible, format correct, calculations (Jupyter Notebook) are shown.

Problem 1

A 5ft x 5ft with a 45$^o$ beveled-edge entrance reinforced concrete box culvert is to be specified for a new roadway crossing to convey a 50-year peak discharge of 300 $\frac{ft^3}{sec}$. The site conditions include:

  1. Stream bed elevation at culvert entrance is 100 ft.
  2. Natural stream bed slope is 0.02.
  3. Tailwater depth is 4.0 ft.
  4. Approximate culvert length is 250 ft.
  5. Shoulder elevation is 113.5 ft.
  6. Allowable headwater elevation is 110ft.
  7. Inlet invert is at natural stream elevation (no fall at inlet).


  • If the culvert is adequate to convey the discharge
  • Produce a performance curve that shows culvert discharge as a function of headwater elevation
In [ ]:
# sketch(s) here
In [ ]:
# list known quantities/inputs
In [ ]:
# list unknown quantities/outputs
In [ ]:
# governing principles/algorithms used
In [ ]:
# solution (step-by-step/computations)
In [ ]:
# discussion

Problem 2

A culvert is to be specified for a new roadway crossing to convey a 25-year peak discharge of 200 $\frac{ft^3}{sec}$. A circular metal corrugated pipe culvert with standard 2-1/3 by 1/2 corrugations and beveled edges is to be considered. The site conditions include:

  1. Stream bed elevation at culvert entrance is 100 ft.
  2. Natural stream bed slope is 0.01.
  3. Tailwater depth is 3.5 ft.
  4. Approximate culvert length is 200 ft.
  5. Shoulder elevation is 110 ft.
  6. Design headwater is to be based on shoulder elevation with 2 ft. freeboard
  7. Inlet invert is at natural stream elevation (no fall at inlet).


  • Culvert diameter and barrel count to maintain design freeboard
  • Produce a performance curve that shows your culvert system discharge as a function of headwater elevation, for the fixed tailwater elevation of 3.5 feet.
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# sketch(s) here
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# list known quantities/inputs
In [ ]:
# list unknown quantities/outputs
In [ ]:
# governing principles/algorithms used
In [ ]:
# solution (step-by-step/computations)
In [ ]:
# discussion