Catalog Description
3372. Water Systems Design (3:3:0). Prerequisite: CE 3305, 3354. Hydraulic analysis and design of municipal water distribution, stormwater collection, and wastewater collection systems. Oral and written presentations. (Communication Intensive)
ES-1 Background Internet Research
ES-2 Los Angeles Aquaduct (Article Summary)
ES-3 Demand Estimation for Somewhere USA Subdivision
ES-4 Application of Head Loss Models
ES-5 Pump Selection
ES-6 Equalization Tank Sizing
ES-7 Introduction to EPANET Application
ES-8 EPANET Network Analysis
ES-8.1 EPANET Network Analysis (future semester)
ES-8NX EPANET Network Analysis Extended (future semester)
Project 1 Water collection and transmission system design and demonstration of anticipated performance under varying conditions.
ES-9 Design Storm and Runoff Hydrograph
ES-10 Open Channel Hydraulics
ES-11 Open Channel Hydraulics in SWMM
ES-12.0 Curb on Grade Inlet Sizing (future semester)
ES-12 Rational Method Conduit Sizing
ES-13 SWMM Model Tanglewilde (pending)
ES-14 Detention Pond in SWMM
ES-15 Estimate Outfall Erosion Potential (pending)
ES-16 Sanitary Sewer Inflow and Infiltration (pending)
ES-16.1 Sanitary Sewer Extension Conduit Sizing (future semester)
Project 2 Stormwater collection system design and demonstration of anticipated performance under varying conditions.