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Apply concept of density and hydrostatic pressure in different fluids and determine pressure variation in layered fluids of different densities. Apply principles of manometry to determine density of unknown fluid.
Completion, plausible solutions, use of Jupyter Notebook as a calculator/documentation method
Imagine two tanks (both open to air). Tank A is filled to a depth $h$ with water. Tank B is filled to a depth $h$ with oil.
# sketch here
# list known quantities
# list unknown quantities
# governing principles
AKA the hydrostatic equation
# solution (step-by-step)
# discussion
Direct application of hydrostatic equation for two different liquids.
Figure 2 is a schematic of a closed tank with Bourdon-tube gages tapped into it.
# sketch here
# list known quantities
# list unknown quantities
# governing principles
# solution (step-by-step)
# discussion
Straighforward application of hydrostatic equation and Pascal's law.
A device for measuring the specific weight of a liquid consists of a (U-,You-, or Ewe-) Tube manometer as depicted in Figure 3. The manometer tube has an internal diameter of $0.5~cm$ and originally has water in it. Exactly $2~cm^3$ of unknown liquid is poured into one leg of the manometer, and a displacement of $5~cm$ is measured between the free surfaces as shown.
What is the specific weight of the unknown liquid?
# sketch here
# list known quantities
# list unknown quantities
# governing principles
# solution (step-by-step)
A script to generalize for other cases
import math
diameter = 0.5 #cm
length = 2*4/(math.pi*diameter**2)
print("Length = ",round(length,3)," centimeters")
gamma_l = (5.186*0.01*9810)/(10.186*0.01)
print("sp. weight (unknown liquid) = ",round(gamma_l,3)," N/m^3 ")
# discussion
Direct application of manometer equation (Pascal's law)