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Apply definition of viscosity in Newtonian fluid. Apply principles of capillarity in a glass-air-water system.
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The plate is moving at 0.6 mm/s when the force applied to the plate is 4mN. The surface area of the plate in contact with the liquid is 0.5 m$^2$.
sketch here
list known quantities
list unknown quantities
governing principles
solution (step-by-step)
# code cell(s) here
# solution (step-by-step)
force = 4.0e-3 #newtons
#length = 1000 #mm
#width = 500 #mm
#area = length*width/(1000*1000) # in m^2
area = 0.5 #m^2
tau = force/area
du = 0.0006 # m/s
dy = 4/1000 #m
dudy = du/dy
viscosity = tau/dudy
print("Force (shear) = ",round(force,3)," N ")
print(" Area = ",round(area,3)," m^2")
print(" Velocity = ",round(du,6)," m/sec")
print(" Shear stress = ",round(force/area,3)," N/m^2 ")
print(" Thickness = ",round(dy,6)," m" )
print(" Viscosity = ",round(viscosity,4)," N*sec/m^2")
Application of definition of shear, and shear-viscosity formula for Newtonian fluid. Then a script to generalize.
The tube rests on a 1.5-mm-thick film of lubricant having a viscosity of $\mu = 0.0586~\frac{N \cdot s}{m^2}$. The tube is rotating at a constant angular velocity of $\omega = 4.5~rad/s$
sketch here
list known quantities
list unknown quantities
governing principles
solution (step-by-step)
# code cell(s) here
#read in data
viscosity = 0.05860000 #N.sec/m^2
angular_speed = 4.5 #rad/sec
lube_thickness = 1.5e-3 #meters
radius_inner = 40e-3 #meters
radius_outer = 80e-3 #meters
import math
torque = viscosity*angular_speed*2*math.pi*(0.25*radius_outer**4-0.25*radius_inner**4 )/lube_thickness
print(" Viscosity = ",round(viscosity,6)," N-sec/m^2 ")
print(" Angular Velocity = ",round(torque,6)," rad/sec ")
print("Lubricant Thickness = ",round(torque,6)," meters ")
print(" Tube Inner Radius = ",round(torque,6)," meters ")
print(" Tube Outer Radius = ",round(torque,6)," meters ")
print(" Applied Torque = ",round(torque,6)," N-m ")
Application of definitions, recognize need to integrate the annulus to find equivalent applied torque (Force X Lever Arm). Then apply analysis as per calculus.
Then script for the arithmetic.
Water is at temperature of 30$^o$ C. A pair of glass plates is lowered into the water as shown.
Width $w$ (mm) | Height $h$ (mm) |
0.4 | ?? |
0.8 | ?? |
1.2 | ?? |
1.6 | ?? |
2.0 | ?? |
2.4 | ?? |
sketch here
list known quantities
list unknown quantities
Also produce a plot to complete the problem
governing principles
solution (step-by-step)
Then build a script to compute $h$ for any width, and produce a plot as prescribed. Can also complete the table.
# code cell(s) here
# solution (step-by-step)
def rise(sigma,gamma,thickness): #prototype function
rise = (2*sigma)/(gamma*thickness)
# input
sigma = 0.0718 #N/m
start_thickness = 0.4 #mm
height = [] # empty list
thickness = []
for i in range(6):
thickness[i] = thickness[i]/1000 #convert mm into meters
rho = 1000 #kg/m^3
gravity = 9.81 #m/s^2
# intermediate values
gamma = rho*gravity #N/m^3
print("Plate width is ",round(thickness[i]*1000,3)," mm. Capillary Rise is ",round(height[i],3)," mm")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def makeAplot(listx1,listy1,strlablx,strlably,strtitle):
mydata = plt.figure(figsize = (8,8)) # build a square drawing canvass from figure class
plt.plot(listx1,listy1, c='blue', marker='o',linewidth=1) # basic data plot
plt.legend(['Computed Values'])# modify for argument insertion
makeAplot(thickness,height,'plate spacing(mm)','capillary rise (mm)','Plot of capillary rise versus plate spacing')
Application of capillary definition and surface tension. Essentially application of page 30 in textbook.