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CE 3305 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Summer 2022 Exercise Set 16



Purpose :

Application of pump performance curves

Assessment Criteria :

Completion, plausible solutions, use JupyterLab as a calculator.

Problem 1.

Figure 1 is a schematic of a pumping system to lift large volumes water a short vertical distance (like a hurricane dike).

Figure 1: Hurricane barrier lift system

The pump used in the system has characteristics shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Pump performance curve for hurricane barrier lift system
  1. What discharge will occur for the conditions depicted in Figure 1?
  2. How much power (in Kilowatts) will be required?
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# sketch here
In [ ]:
# list known quantities
In [ ]:
# list unknown quantities
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# governing principles
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# solution (step-by-step)
In [ ]:
# discussion

Problem 2.

If the pump speed is increased to 900 rpm

  1. What discharge will occur for the system in Figure 1?
  2. What is the power requirement?
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# sketch here
In [ ]:
# list known quantities
In [ ]:
# list unknown quantities
In [ ]:
# governing principles
In [ ]:
# solution (step-by-step)
In [ ]:
# discussion