This page is a listing of publications available for downloading and viewing. Files are in Adobe Portable Document Format (.PDF) or ASCII (.DAT or .TXT) or Excel Spreadsheets (.XLS). Spreadsheets contain MACROS. Most of the reports are scanned images, for high-quality reprints contact the publisher.

Journal Publications

De Lima, R. P. ∗, Cleveland, T. G., De Carvalho, R.P., 2014. “Infrared ther- mography as a heat tracer method for velocity estimation in shallow flows ” Die Bodenkultur, Journal for Land Management, Food, and Envrionment, Vol 65, No. 3-4, pp. 71-77. ISSN 006-5471 Thermal-Image

Murphy, H. L. ∗, Morse, A. N., Cleveland, T.G. 2014 “Turbidity in Highway Construction Site Runoff - Preparing for Numerical Effluent Limits” American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 4, 04014007 Turbidity

Dhakal, N., Fang, X., Cleveland, T.G., Thompson, D.B. 2014 "Modified Rational Unit Hydrograph Method and Applications" Institute of Civil Engineers, Journal of Water Management, WATER-D-13-00032R2 accepted J. Water Management-1

Manoj KC., Fang, X., Yi, Y-J., Ming-Han Li, M-H., Thompson, D./B., Cleveland, T.G. 2013 "Improved Time of Concentration Estimation on Overland Flow Surfaces Including Low-Sloped Planes." American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE. 1943-5584.0000830 (April 10, 2013) ASCE_Hydrology_2013-2

Dhakal, N., Fang, X., Asquith, W.H., Cleveland, T.G., Thompson, D.B. 2013. ``Return Period Adjustment for Runoff Coefficients Based on Analysis in Undeveloped Texas Watersheds'' American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 6, pp 476-482. ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_2013-1

Asquith, W.H., Herrmann, G. R., Cleveland, T.G. 2013 "Generalized Additive Regression Models of Discharge and Mean Velocity generally associated with Direct- Runoff Conditions in Texas: The Utility of the U.S. Geological Survey Discharge Measurement Database" American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp 1331-1348. ASCE_Hydrology_2013-1

Dhakal, N., Fang, X., Asquith, W.H., Cleveland, T.G., Thompson, D.B. 2012 "Rate-based Estimation of the Runoff Coefficients for Selected Watersheds in Texas." American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE. 1943-5584.0000753 (November 29, 2012) ASCE_Hydrology_1297

Dhakal, N., Fang, X., Cleveland, T.G., Thompson, D.B.; Asquith, W.H., Marzen, L.J. 2012 ``Estimation of Volumetric Runoff Coefficients for Texas Watersheds Using Land-Use and Rainfall-Runoff Data'' American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 138, No 1, pp 43-54. ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_IR_2012-1

Herrmann, G.R., and Cleveland, T.G. 2010. ``Moving Substrate in an Ephemeral Stream: Case Study in Bridge Survival'' Transportation Research Record. No. 2201, Vol. 2, pp 3-9 TRB-TRR-2201

Fang, X., Thompson, D.B., Cleveland, T.G., Pradhan, P., and R. Malla 2008 ``Time of Concentration Estimated Using Watershed Parameters Determined by Automated and Manual Methods'' American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 2, pp 202-211. ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_IR_085146

Cleveland, T.G., Thompson, D.B., Fang, X., and He, X. 2008 ``Synthesis of Unit Hydrographs from a Digital Elevation Model'' American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 2, pp 212-221 . ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_IR_085147
(Data used are available at ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_IR_085147
(Data used are available at

Fang, X., Thompson, D.B., Cleveland, T.G., and Pradhan, P. 2007 ``Variations of Time of Concentration Estimates Using the NRCS Velocity Method'' American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 4., pp 314-322 . ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_IR_075096

Heitmuller, F.T., Asquith, W. H., Cleveland, T.G., Fang, X., and Thompson, D.B. 2007. ``Estimation of main channel length from basin length for selected small watersheds in Texas using 10-and 30-meter digital elevation models.'' Southwestern Geographer, Vol 10. , pp 23-25. SW-Geographer-2007Need to upload

Cleveland, T.G., and A. Fashokun. 2006. "Construction-associated solids loads with a temporary sediment control BMP." American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Construction Management, Vol. 132, No. 10, pp 1122-1125. ASCE_Construction_Management_CO-023123
(Data used are available at )

Cleveland, T.G., He, X., Asquith, W.H., Fang, X., and D.B. Thompson. 2006. "Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Evaluation for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling of Small Watersheds in North and South Central Texas." American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 132, No. 5, pp 479-485. ASCE_Irrigation_Drainage_IR-022737
(Data used are available at )

Tiller, F.M., T.G. Cleveland, and R. Lu, 1999. ``Pumping slurries forming highly compactable cakes.'' Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research.”, 38, (3), pp 590-595 ie980451g

Lui, H., Cleveland, T.G., and KH Wang, 1999. "Erosion Dependence on Geotechnical Properties of Soil" Journal of American Water Resources Association., 35(1), pp 167-176. Soil_Erosion_JAWA_1999.PDF

Varghese, B.K, and T.G. Cleveland, 1998. "Kenaf as a Deep Bed Filter Medium to Remove Oil from Oil-in-Water Emulsions." Journal of Separation Science and Technology, 33 (14), pp. 2197-2220. kenaf_filteraid_jsst_1998.pdf

Wang, KH., Cleveland, T.G., Towsley, C., and D. Umrigar, 1998. ``Head loss at manholes in surcharged sewer systems.'' Journal of American Water Resources Association, 34(6), pp 1391-1400. manhole_headloss_jawa_1998.pdf

Parikh, A. G., Schulze, L. J. H., Chen, J-G., and Cleveland, T.G., 1997.  ``Maximum acceptable weight of an asymmetrical lift for postal sacks without handles.'' International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.  19(1), 1-7. missing.pdf

Wang, KH, Cleveland, T.G., Fitzgerald, S. , and X. Ren, 1996. ``Hydrodynamic Flow Model at the Confluence of Two Streams.” American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 122, No. 10, pp 994-1002. (MISSING) missing.pdf

Cleveland, T.G. , and S. Garg, 1996. ``Feasibility of Fullerene Waste as a Carbonaceous Adsorbent,'' Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 122, No. 3, pp 235-238. fullerene_sorbent_asce_1996.pdf Spreadsheet,'' Ground Water, Vol. 34, No. 3. (Accompanying Excel worksheet also available) type_curve_jgw_1996.pdf

Bravo,R., Rogers, J.R., and T.G. Cleveland, 1996. ``Modeling Groundwater Flow using Flux Boundary Conditions.'' Water Resources Bulletin, Vol 32., No. 1, pp 39-46 AWRA_WRB_1996.pdf

Cleveland, T.G., and Garg, S., 1995. "Fullerene Waste as an Adsorbent," Carbon., Vol. 33, No. 3, pp 335-338. (IN FILE -NEED TO SCAN) missing.pdf

Cleveland, T.G., 1994. Recovery Performance for Vertical and Horizontal Wells Using Semi-Analytical Simulation, Ground Water, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp 103-107. horizontal_well_jgw_1994.pdf

Cleveland, T.G., R. Bravo, and J.R. Rogers, 1992. Specific Storage and Hydraulic Conductivities Using Extensometer and Hydrograph Data, Ground Water, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp 701-708. specific_storage_jawa_1992.pdf

Cleveland, T.G. and W. W-G. Yeh, 1991. Optimal Configuration and Scheduling of a Groundwater Tracer Test, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp 37-51. optimal_tracer_asce_1991.pdf

Cleveland, T.G. and W. W-G. Yeh, 1990. Sampling Network Design for Transport Parameter Identification, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 116, No. 6, pp 764-782. ASCE_JWRPM_1990A.pdf